European Pysical Society

Created: 26 November 2024
Updated: 30 January 2025

1873 - 1999
2000 - 2009
2010 - 2019
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
  1. V. d’Alessandro, S. Daliento, A. Naddeo, Searching for a response: the intriguing mystery of Feynman’s theoretical reference amplifier, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 331-347 (2019)

  2. J. Baal-Schem, Early Israeli Computers, 6th IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON) (2019), 34-35

  3. G. Battimelli, F. Buccella, P. Napolitano, Raoul Gatto, a great Italian scientist and teacher in theoretical elementary particle physics, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 145-169 (2019)

  4. E. Bertozzi, Establishing and Consolidating a Research Field: The Biography of the Wilson Cloud Chamber in the History of Particle Physics, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 49 (2) 117–150 (2019)

  5. L. Bonolis, G. Pancheri, A Tale of Two Scientists and the Development of Particle Colliders, Viewpoint (118) 7-9 (2019)

  6. B. Bowers, Charles Wheatstone, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 10-23 (2019)

  7. Tullio Bressani, La MWPC compie 50 anni. Ricordi della nascita e del successivo uso in alcuni esperimenti italiani di Fisica Nucleare - The 50th anniversary of the MWPC. Memories of the birth and of its further use in some Italian Nuclear Physics experiments, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 171-199 (2019)

  8. B. Carazza, La pressione della luce: un resoconto storico - On the pressure of light: a historical account, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 133-142 (2019)

  9. V. Carbone, L. Parisoli, Modernit? scientifica di Foscarini nel "Trattato della Divinatione Naturale Cosmologica'' - Scientific modernity in Foscarini's "Trattato della Divinatione Naturale Cosmologica'', Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 37-76 (2019)

  10. E. Colombi, F. Guerra, M. Leone, N. Robotti, I Fisici italiani in guerra: 1915-1918 - The Italian Physicists in war: 1915-1918, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 29-60 (2019)

  11. R. Crease, V. Shiltsev, Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765) Scientist in Politically Turbulent Times, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 111-132 (2019)

  12. J. Dainton, Gender diversity and equality in the last century, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 6-8 (2019)

  13. O. Darrigol, The magic of Feynman’s QED: from field-less electrodynamics to the Feynman diagrams, The European Physical Journal H, 44(4-5) 349-369 (2019)

  14. O. Darrigol, Frames and stresses in Einstein’s quest for a generalized theory of relativity, Studies in the history and philosophy of modern physics (2019)

  15. O. Darrigol, Deducing Newton’s second law from relativity principles, A forgotten history, in Archive for history of exact sciences (2019)

  16. O. Darrigol, Stokes’s optics, in Mark McCartney, Andrew Whitaker, Alastair Wood (eds.), George Gabriel Stokes, Life, science, and faith, Oxford University Press (2019) 63-114

  17. E. Davis, The Fourth Baron Rayleigh, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 76-85 (2019)

  18. V. Degiorgio, Photonics in Italy: the decade 1970-1980, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 61-77 (2019)

  19. Ch. Dewdney, David Bohm, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 61-75 (2019)

  20. U. Dore, P. Loverre, L. Ludovici, History of accelerator neutrino beams, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 271-305 (2019)

  21. I. Falconer, Vortices and atoms in the Maxwellian era, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (377) 2158, 15 p. 20180451.

  22. J. Finney, John Desmond Bernal, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 24-36 (2019)

  23. M. Focaccia, Dal vapore al trasporto elettrico. I primi esperimenti in Italia agli albori del XX secolo - From steam to electricity. The first experiments on railway lines in Italy at the dawn of the 20th century, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 87-112 (2019)

  24. B. Foster, The return of the aether. New Scientist, 244 (3254) 32–35 (2019)

  25. F. Frezza, S. Maddio, G. Pelosi, S. Selleri, The Key role of Giovanni Giorgi in Developing the MKSA System of Units, 6th IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON) (2019) 5-6

  26. J. Frisvad, H. Kragh, On Ludvig Lorenz and his 1890 treatise on light scattering by spheres, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (2) 137-160 (2019)

  27. M. Galvagno, G. Giribet, Luis Santal? and classical field theory, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 381-389 (2019)

  28. S. Ten Hagen, How “Facts” Shaped Modern Disciplines: The Fluid Concept of Fact and the Common Origins of German Physics and Historiography, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 49 (3) 300–337 (2019)

  29. M. Huber, SOHO – the ESA / NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Part 2, The Corona, Coronal Holes and the Solar Wind, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (57) (2019)

  30. L. Gariboldi, Il gravimetro polare di Pontremoli - Pontremoli's polar gravimeter, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 113-126 (2019)

  31. P. Grant, J. Thompson, Standardisation of the Unit of Electrical Resistance, 6th IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON) (2019), 1-4

  32. J. Grozier, The Invisible Scanners, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (37) 37-45 (2019)

  33. F. Guerra, N. Robotti, Emilio Segr?, Enrico Fermi, Bruno Pontecorvo verso l'America - Emilio Seg?, Enrico Fermi, Bruno Pontecorvo toward America Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 127-143 (2019)

  34. F. Guerra, N. Robotti, Majorana and neutrinos, Proceedings of the International Conference on History of the Neutrino: 1930-2018: Paris, France, 5-7 September 2018, Publ. (2019)

  35. H. Inaba, Father Yanase on the measurement problem of quantum mechanics: His life and physics, BUTSURI, p.792-794 (2019)

  36. H. Inaba, Teaching the history of physics: What, why, and how? Physics Education in University, pp.27-30 (2019)

  37. D. Kennefick, The Problem of Scientific Bias: The 1919 Astronomical Confirmation of Einstein’s Theory, in No Shadow of a Doubt, Princeton University Press (2019)

  38. D. Levesque, J. Hansen, The origin of computational statistical mechanics in France, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (1) 37-46 (2019)

  39. L. Lorenz, Light propagation in and outside a sphere illuminated by plane waves of light, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (2) 77-135 (2019)

  40. P. Maggiolo, L'Accademia di Padova: nascita, primi sviluppi e grandi svolte (1599-1779 e oltre) - The Academy of Padua: origins, developments and turning points in its history (from 1599 to 1779 and over), Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 3-35 (2019)

  41. M. Mareschal, From Varenna (1970) to Como (1995): Kurt Binder’s long walk in the land of criticality, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (2) 161-179 (2019)

  42. D. Minenna, F. Andre, Y. Elskens, J. Auboin, F. Doveil, J. Puech, E. Duverdier, The traveling-wave tube in the history of telecommunication, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (1) 1-36 (2019)

  43. R. Del Monte, A. Auteri, Il nuovo Diagometro di Luigi Palmieri - Palmieri's "new Diagometer'' Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 22 (Issue 1) 77-86 (2019)

  44. J. Navarro, K. Tampakis, Science and Religion in Nineteenth-Cebtury Europe: Non-Anglo-American Perspectives, Zygon, 2019

  45. A. Pagano, E. Pagano, A note on Lorentz transformations and simultaneity in classical physics and special relativity, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 321-330 (2019)

  46. G. Pelosi, S. Selleri, Recent Outcomes of the Investigations on Guglielmo Marconi Supposed Experiments in Switzerland, 6th IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON) (2019) 11-13

  47. R. Piazza, The strange case of Dr. Petit and Mr. Dulong, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 79-110 (2019)

  48. C. O’Raifeartaigh, Historical and Philosophical Aspects of the Einstein World, in Einstein and the Philosophy of General Relativity: Einstein Studies Vol 8. (eds D. Howard and J. Stachel) Birkh?user (2019)

  49. D. Robinson, Gravitational and general relativity at King's Kollege London, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (3) 181-270 (2019)

  50. J. Ron, When Past Becomes Future: Physics in the 21st Century, Open Mind, BBVA, Madrid (2019) 1-29

  51. E. Rota, In ricordo di Padre Angelo Secchi, gesuita e astronomo reggiano - In memory of Father Angelo Secchi, Jesuit and astronomer, from Reggio Emilia, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 143-153 (2019)

  52. T. Sauer, Einstein’s working sheets and his search for a unified field theory, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 371-379 (2019)

  53. E. Scholz, E. Cartan’s attempt at bridge-building between Einstein and the Cosserats – or how translational curvature became to be known as torsion, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (1) 47-75 (2019)

  54. A. Simoes, O Eclipse de 1919 e a teoria da relatividade: rumo ? Ilha do Principe, Ciencia e Cultura, 71 (3) 39-46 (2019)

  55. N. Straumann, Hermann Weyl’s Space-Time Geometry and the Origin of Gauge Theory 100 Years ago, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (57) (2019)

  56. A. Trautman, D. Salisbury, Memories of my early career in relativity physics, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 391-413 (2019)

  57. T. Taylor, H. Wenninger, A. Zichichi, LAA: a project using dedicated funding to develop technology for high-energy physics experiments, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 307-319 (2019)

  58. A. Trautman, D. Salisbury, Memories of my early career in relativity physics, The European Physical Journal H, 44 (4-5) 391-413 (2019)

  59. D. Weaire, The Young lady and the Professor, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, IoP (37) 3-6 (2019)

  60. A. Whitaker, Henry Tizard, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, IoP (37) 46-60 (2019)

  61. J. Wilson, Kathleen Lonsdale, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, IoP (37) 86-94 (2019)

  62. A. Zichichi, The genius of Ettore Majorana, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, Vol 21 (Issue 1) 3-27 (2019)


  1. A. Assis, R. Karam, The free fall of an apple: conceptual subtleties and implications for physics teaching. In: European Journal of Physics, Bind 39, Nr. 3, 035003, 2018, s. 1-14

  2. M. Badino, J. Navarro, Introduction Ether. The Multiple Lives of a Resilient Concept, Ether and Modernity (2018) p. 1-13

  3. G. Battimelli, G. Ciccotti, Berni Alder and the pioneering times of molecular simulation, European Physical Journal H, 43 (3) 303-335 (2018)

  4. J. Baars, Review of the evolution of large single dishes, IAU/URSI Working Group on Historic Radio Astronomy, General Assembly (2018) 1-16

  5. P. Briant, The CERN ISR and its Legacy, History of Particle Colliders, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issue (2018) 19-36

  6. D. Brill, A. Blum, The revival of general relativity at Princeton: daring conservatism, EPJ Web of Conferences, 168: 01013 (2018) 1-8

  7. A. Blum, R. Lalli, J. Renn, Gravitational waves and the long relativity revolution. Nature Astronomy, 2 (7) 534-543 (2018)

  8. I. Clarke, The ether at the crossroads of classical and modern physics, In J. Navarro (ed), Ether and Modernity, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018) 14–29

  9. T. Christie, Simon Marius: Tabulae Directionum Novae - A First Approach, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 363-369 (2018)

  10. O. Darrigol, Constitutive principles versus comprehensibility conditions in post-Kantian physics, Synthese (2018)

  11. O. Darrigol, The Gibbs paradox, Early history and solutions, Entropy (20) 443 (2018)

  12. O. Darrigol, The unnamed structuralism of four nineteenth-century philosopher-physicists, in Maria de Paz and Joao Principe (eds.), Evora studies in the philosophy and history of science, Vol. 2, From ontology to structure, Casal de Cambra, Caleidosc?pio (2018)

  13. S. Deser, A brief history (and geography) of Supergravity: the first 3 week and after, The European Physical Journal H, 43(3) 281-291 (2018)

  14. P. Diamond, U. Frisch, Y. Pomeau, Editorial introduction to the special issue “Plasma physics in the 20th century as told by players”, The European Physical Journal H, 43 (4-5) 337-353 (2018)

  15. W. Dick, Hans Philip Fuchs von Bimbach (ca. 1567–1626), Patron of Simon Marius, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 139-177 (2018)

  16. D. Escande, From thermonuclear fusion to Hamiltonian chaos, The European Physical Journal H, 43 (4-5) 397-420 (2018)

  17. I. Falconer, Phases of physics in J.D. Forbes’ Dissertation Sixth for the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1856), History of Science. OnlineFirst, 26 p. (2018)

  18. H. Gaab, Concerning the Biography of Simon Marius (1573–1624), Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 55-138 (2018)

  19. C. Graney, An Astronomer Too Excellent: Simon Marius, the Telescope, and the Problem of the Stars During the Copernican Revolution, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 239-247 (2018)

  20. J. Hamel, Simon Marius’s Reports on the Comets of 1596 and 1618, in the Context of the Comet Research of His Times, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 205-221 (2018)

  21. A. Hasegawa, K. Mima, Strong turbulence, self-organization and plasma confinement, The European Physical Journal H, 43 (4-5) 499-521 (2018)

  22. A. Helden, Prickard’s English Translation of Mundus Iovialis, Completed, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 387-388 (2018)

  23. A. Helden, A Word of Caution About the “Rehabilitation” of Simon Marius, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 413-416 (2018)

  24. L. Henderson, Umberto boccionis elasticity, italian futurism and the ether of space, In J. Navarro (ed), Ether and Modernity, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018) p. 200-224

  25. M. Huber, SOHO – the ESA / NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, Part 1, Overview, a Window into the Solar Interior, and SOHO’s Instruments, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (56) (2018)

  26. H. Inaba, Introduction, Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan, 28(1),pp.1-2 (2018)

  27. H. Inaba, Schlesinger's Energeticism: From Hypnosis to an Energetic Worldview, Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan, 28 (1),pp.36-53 (2018)

  28. D. Kaiser, D. Rickles, The Price of Gravity: Private Patronage and the Transformation of Gravitational Physics after World War II, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 48 (3) 338–379 (2018)

  29. P. Kalmus, The CERN Proton-Antiproton Collider Project, History of Particle Colliders, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issue (2018) 37-47

  30. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ïðîôåñîð ä-ð Åëèñàâåòà Êàðàìèõàéëîâà (03.09.1897–22.04.1968), Ñïèñàíèå íà ÁÀÍ (1) 48-57 (2018)

  31. R. Karam, Fresnel's original interpretation of complex numbers in 19th century optics, In: American Journal of Physics, Bind 86, Nr. 4, 01.04.2018, s. 245-249

  32. S. Katada, H. Inaba, N. Ariga, Japanese Physicists Who Studied in Germany: A Collective Analysis of their Stay and University Enrollment between 1893 and 1914, Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series E (Science and Engineering), 7-21 (2018)

  33. D. Kempkens, Georg Caesius as Official Court Astronomer of the Margrave Georg Friedrich of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 179-189 (2018)

  34. M. Kikuchi, The large tokamak JT-60: a history of the fight to achieve the Japanese fusion research mission, The European Physical Journal H, 43(4-5) 551-577 (2018)

  35. A. Kostov, Professional associations of Balkan engineers until the First World War, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5 (2) 155-167 (2018)

  36. R. Kremer, Simon Marius as a Tychonic Calendar Maker, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 321-362 (2018)

  37. H. Kubbinga, A Tribute to Max Planck, Europhysics News, 44 (4) 27-30 (2018)

  38. J. Lacki, Joseph Fourier and Sadi Carnot: a counterpoint in 19th century study of heat, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (56) (2018)

  39. J. Lacki, What states are: an appraisal from recent history, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (54) (2018)

  40. G. Laval, D. Pesme, J. Adam, Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in hot plasmas: a French historical point of view, The European Physical Journal H, 43(4-5) 421-458 (2018)

  41. P. Leich, In the Turmoil of the Early Seventeenth-Century Cosmology Debate: Simon Marius as a Supporter of the Tychonic System, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 249-271 (2018)

  42. P. Leich, Priority, Reception, and Rehabilitation of Simon Marius: From the Accusation of Plagiarism to the Marius-Portal as His Virtual Collected Works, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 389-412 (2018)

  43. M. Mareschal, Early years of Computational Statistical Mechanics, The European Physical Journal H, 43 (3) 293-302 (2018)

  44. K. Matthaus, Simon Marius as a Calendar Writer, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 273-320 (2018)

  45. R. Meer, Intuitive und diskursive Vorstellungen. Uberlegungen zu einem Spannungsverhaltnis in der theoretischen Philosophie Immanuel Kants, Intuition und Wissenschaft, s. 87-98 (2018)

  46. T. Muller, The Franconian Asteroid 7984 Marius, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 437-447 (2018)

  47. J. Navarro, How to Use a Fundamental Discovery in Physics: The Early Days of Electron Diffraction, Science in Context (2018)

  48. J. Navarro, Electrones en casa. J.J. and G.P. Thomson, Revista Espa?ola de Fisica 32 (4) (2018) 43-49

  49. J. Navarro, Science contra Science. The Battle for Legitimate Knowledge in the Spanish Catholic Journals in the Early Twentieth Century, So what's new about Scholasticism? How Neo-Thomism helped shape the Twentieth Century (2018)

  50. D. Neuhauser (et al.), Sunspot Observations by Simon Marius, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 123-238 (2018)

  51. S. Niese, The early influence of Manchester on the work of George de Hevesy, Rutherford's Chemists, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issues, April 2018, p. 57-72

  52. R. Noakes, Making space for the soul: Oliver lodge, maxwellian psychics and the ethereal body, In J. Navarro (ed), Ether and Modernity, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018) p. 88–106

  53. B. Novosyadlyj, Century of A, European Physical Journal H, 43 (3) 267-280 (2018)

  54. G. Pancheri, L. Bonolis, The path to high-energy electron-positron colliders from Wideroe's betatron to Touschek's AdA and to LEP, History of Particle Colliders, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issue (2018) 3-18

  55. J. Pasachoff, Simon Marius’s Mundus Iovialis and the Discovery of the Moons of Jupiter, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 191-203 (2018)

  56. R. Pausenberger, Planet Model 1: 50 Billion, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 449-454 (2018)

  57. R. Pisano, A. Anakkar, E. Pellegrino, M. Nagels, Thermodynamic Foundations of Physical Chemistry: Reversible Processes and Thermal Equilibrium into the History, Foundations of Chemistry, 20 (4) 1-27 (2018)

  58. A. Prickard, (et al.), The World of Jupiter, English Translation of Mundus Iovialis, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 1-53 (2018)

  59. P. Radvanyi, Marie and Pierre Curie and their Discoveries, Rutherford's Chemists, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issues, April 2018, p. 17-19

  60. P. Rebut, The Joint European Torus (JET), The European Physical Journal H, 43 (4-5) 459-497 (2018)

  61. C. O’Raifeartaigh, S. Mitton, A new perspective on steady-state cosmology: from Einstein to Hoyle, In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, (eds M. J. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. M. Schuster and D. L. Weaire) Living Edition (2018) p. 241-268

  62. C. O’Raifeartaigh, S. Mitton, Interrogating the legend of Einstein’s ‘biggest blunder’, Physics in Perspective 20 (4) 318–341 (2018)

  63. C. O’Raifeartaigh, M. O’Keeffe, W. Nahm, S. Mitton, One Hundred Years of the Cosmological Constant: From ‘Superfluous Stunt’ to Dark Energy, European Physical Journal (H) 44, 73–117 (2018)

  64. L. Richards, Frederick Soddy: Transmutation in Science and Society, Rutherford's Chemists, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issues, April 2018, p. 6-16

  65. D. Rickles, Geon Wheeler: From Nuclear to Spacetime physicist, The European Physical Journal H, 43 (3) 243-265 (2018)

  66. R. Sagdeev, P. Diamond, An interview with Roald Sagdeev: his story of plasma physics in Russia, 1956–1988, The European Physical Journal H, 43(4-5) 355-397 (2018)

  67. J. Schlor, Translating the Mundus Iovialis into German, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 371-385 (2018)

  68. N. Schmidt (et al.), The Marius Portal: Simon Marius as Digital Human in the Twenty-First Century, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 417-436 (2018)

  69. P. M. Schuster, Former and future activities of ECHOPHYSICS, e-EPS, 26 March 2018; Europhysics news (3) p. (2018)

  70. P. M. Schuster, 3rd International Conference of History of Physics, e-EPS, 20 November 2018; Europhysics news (2018)

  71. G. Schvartz, J. Navarro, Imaging by touching: Atomic force microscopy, Philosophy of Photography (2018)

  72. O. Sinzev, “Sun, Moon, and Marius”, Chapter in H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer, p. 455-460 (2018)

  73. N. Todd, Radioactive contamination of the laboratory notebooks of Sir William Ramsay and Frederick Soddy: historical and radio-archeological perspectives, Rutherford's Chemists, IoP History of Physics Newsletter, Special Issues, April 2018, p. 20-56

  74. F. Wagner, The history of research into improved confinement regimes, European Physical Journal H, 43 (4-5) 523-549 (2018)

  75. W. Winkler, Fundamental research for the development of gravitational wave detectors in Germany, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (54) (2018)


  1. Joanna Behrman, Domesticating physics: introductory physics textbooks for women in home economics in the United States, 1914–1955, History of Education, 46 (2) 193-209 (2017)

  2. A. Blum, D. Giulini, R. Lalli, Editorial introduction to the special issue “The Renaissance of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation”, European Physical Journal H (42) 95-105 (2017)

  3. A. Blum, T. Hartz, The 1957 quantum gravity meeting in Copenhagen: An analysis of Bryce S. DeWitt’s report, European Physical Journal H (42) 107-157 (2017)

  4. L. Bonolis, Stellar structure and compact objects before 1940: Towards relativistic astrophysics, European Physical Journal H (42) 311-397 (2017)

  5. O. Darrigol, Joseph Boussinesq’s legacy in fluid mechanics, Comptes rendus mecanique (345) 427-445 (2017)

  6. B. DeWitt, Exploratory research session on the quantization of the gravitational field: At the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark, June-July 1957, European Physical Journal H (42) 159-176 (2017)

  7. P. Ford, Crystal Clear - Autobiographies of Sir Lawrence and Lady Bragg, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (35) 54-68 (2017)

  8. G. Gorelik, A Galilean Answer to the Needham Question. Philosophia Scientie, 21 (1) 93–110 (2017)

  9. E. Gorg, Review of "Newton and Empiricism" by Zvi Biener and Eric Schliesser (eds). Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 48(1) 151–154 (2017)

  10. C. Hammond, On Prof. W. H. Bragg’s December 1914 Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (35) 34-53 (2017)

  11. J. Lacki, An EPS Historic Sites Award celebrating two Genevan physicists, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (52) (2017)

  12. G. Kamisheva, Nestor Marcoff's Contribution to Bulgarian Physics and Mathematics Education, Biomath Communications (4) p. 36-50 (2017)

  13. R. Karam, F. Kneubil, M. Robilotta, Forces on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field: the macro-micro connection. In: European Journal of Physics, Bind 38, 2017, s. 1-13

  14. D. Kennefick, The binary pulsar and the quadrupole formula controversy, European Physical Journal H (42) 293-310 (2017)

  15. H. Kragh, Is the universe expanding? Fritz Zwicky and early tired-light hypotheses, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (20) 2–12 (2017)

  16. J. L. Lebowitz, L. Bonolis, A life in statistical mechanics Part 1: From Chedar in Taceva to Yeshiva University in New York, European Physical Journal H (42) 1-21 (2017)

  17. J.-F. Loude, Musee de la Physique de Lausanne, Swees Physical Society (51) 40-42 (2017)

  18. J.-F. Loude, The Diffusion Hygrometer: A late invention of H. Greinacher, SPS - APS, Geneva, 25 August 2017

  19. L. Maiani, L. Bonolis, The LHC timeline: a personal recollection (1980-2012), European Physical Journal H (42) 475-505 (2017)

  20. L. Maiani, L. Bonolis, The Charm of Theoretical Physics (1958-1993), European Physical Journal H (42) 611-661 (2017)

  21. D. Monaldi, Fritz London and the scale of quantum mechanisms, Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies In History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60 (2017)

  22. J. Navarro, A. Mulberger, The promises of science. Historical perspectives, Centaurus (2017)

  23. J. Navarro, Promising redemption. Science at the service of secular and religious agendas, Centaurus (2017)

  24. J. Navarro, A. Blum, Ch. Lehner, On the history of the quantum. Introduction to the HQ4 special issue, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (2017)

  25. J. Navarro Loidi, Newton and the Spanish artillerymen, in: Reading Newton in early modern Europe Boran, Elizabethanne and Feingold, Mordechai (ed.), Leiden, Boston ed. Brill (2017) 64-88

  26. E. Nicolaidis, Alexander Jones, A portable Cosmos. Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World, Almagest, 8-1 (2017), p. 133-137

  27. P. J. E. Peebles, Robert Dicke and the naissance of experimental gravity physics, 1957–1967, European Physical Journal H (42) 177-259 (2017)

  28. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Homage to Galileo Galilei 1564-2014 Reading Iuvenilia Galilean Works within History and Historical Epistemology of Science, Philosophia Scientiae 21 (1) 7-15 (2017)

  29. R. Pisano, The Fiction of the Infinitesimals in Newton’s Works. On the Metaphoric use of Infinitesimals in Newton, (2017)

  30. C. O’Raifeartaigh, A new perspective on Einstein’s philosophy of cosmology, In: The Philosophy of Cosmology (Eds K.. Chamcham, J. Silk, J. D. Barrow and S. Saunders) Cambridge University Press (2017) p 467-485

  31. C. O’Raifeartaigh, M. O’Keeffe, W. Nahm, S. Mitton, Einstein’s 1917 Static Model of the Universe: A Centennial Review, European Physical Journal (H) 42 (3) 431–74 (2017)

  32. F. Romeiras, Os colegios dos jesuitas e o ensino da fisica em Portugal (1858–1910), Gazeta de Fisica, Vol. 40, Fasciculo 1 (2017)

  33. D. Salisbury, K. Sundermeyer, Leon Rosenfeld’s general theory of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics, European Physical Journal H (42) 23-61 (2017)

  34. P. M. Schuster, Editorial – European physicists, e-EPS, 23 February 2017; Europhysics news (2) p. 3 (2017)

  35. N. Straumann, Einstein in 1916: On the Quantum Theory of Radiation, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (51) (2017)

  36. M. van Strien, Continuity in Nature and in Mathematics: Du Chatelet at Boscovich, European Studies in Philosophy of Science (5) 71-81 (2017)

  37. V. Trimble, Wired by Weber: The story of the first searcher and searches for gravitational waves, European Physical Journal H (42) 261-291 (2017)

  38. P. Tyson, A Laboratory in the Clouds – Horace-Benedict de Saussure (1740–1799), IoP History of Physics Newsletter (35) 18-33 (2017)

  39. C. Warrick, 60 Years on from ZETA, IoP History of Physics Newsletter (35) 10-12 (2017)


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  2. R. Coelho, P. Borges, R. Karam, Atwood and Poggendorff: an insightful analogy. In: European Journal of Physics, Bind 37, Nr. 6, 22.09.2016, s. 1-13

  3. O. Darrigol, Bohr’s trilogy of 1913, in Olivier Darrigol, Bertrand Duplantier, Jean-Michel Raimond, and Vincent Rivasseau, Niels Bohr, 1913-2013, (Poincare seminar 2013) Basel, Birkhauser, 1-12 (2016)

  4. O. Darrigol, Models, structure, and generality in Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, in Karine Chemla, David Rabouin, and Renaud Chorlay (eds.), The Oxford handbook of generality in mathematics and the sciences, Oxford University Press (2016) 345-358

  5. J. van Dongen, Heisenbergsche Unscharferelationen kommunizieren: Niels Bohr, Komplementaritat und die Einstein-Rupp-Experimente, Acta Historica Leopoldina (65) 83-107 (2016)

  6. E. Gorg, Review of "The Post-Critical Kant: Understanding the Critical Philosophy through the Opus postumum" by Brian Wesley Hall. In: Society and Politics, 19, 1, 70-72 (2016)

  7. Ch. Hammond, Whin Brow the house at which the new science of X-ray crystallography began, Crystallography Reviews (22) 220-227 (2016)

  8. H. Inaba, Kinetic Theory, Statistical Mechanics, and Chemistry from the 1870s to the 1920s, KAGAKUSHI, p.62-71 (2016) Japanese

  9. S. Juznic, History of History of Physics, Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae scientiarum, 4 (2) 5-30 (2016)

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  11. R. Karam, O. Uhden, D. Hottecke, Das habt ihr schon im Mathe gelernt! Stimmt das wirklich? Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Umgang mit mathematischen Konzepten in der Mathematik und in der Physik. In: Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht Physik, Bind 153-154, 07.2016, s. 22-27

  12. F. Kneubil, R. Karam, Keyhole: Equal signs as bridges between the phenomenological and theoretical dimensions. In: Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica, Bind 39, Nr. 2, e2302, 01.12.2016, s. 1-11

  13. W. Kutschera, Accelerator mass spectrometry: state of the art and perspectives, Advances in Physics: X, 1 (4) 62-65 (2016)

  14. W. Kutschera, G. Patzelt, P. Steier, E. Wild, The Tyrolean Iceman and his glacial environment during the Holocene, Radiocarbon, online (2016) 1-11; DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2016.70

  15. J. Lacki, Born's outstanding role in the formulation of Quantum Mechanics, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (48) (2016)

  16. R. Lalli, "Dirty Work" But Someone Has To Do It: Howard P. Robertson and the Refereeing Practices of Physical Review in the 1930s, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 70, 151–174 (2016)

  17. R. Meer, Kants Ringen um “einige objective Gultigkeit” der Prinzipien der reinen Vernunft, In: R. Mosenbacher, Incipiens-Zeitschrift fur Erstpublikationen aus der Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte, Band 5, Ausgabe 1, Seiten 71-97 (2016)

  18. J. Navarro, Ether and Wireless. An Old Medium into New Media, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46(4) 460-489 (2016)

  19. J. Navarro, Oracles, Prophets and the Exoteric Circles of Science and Religion, Scientia et Fides, 4 (2) 285-301 (2016)

  20. J. Navarro, Ether and Wireless. An old medium into new media, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46 (4), 460-489 (2016)

  21. J. Navarro Loidi, Cadet Selection for the Royal Artillery in Spain, 1764–1808, Vulcan (4) 27-51 (2016)

  22. E. Nicolaidis, Jian-Liang Lin, Hong-Sen Yan. Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device, ISIS, 108-1 (2017), p. 172-173

  23. A. Oliveira, Leibniz?s Developments in Machine Science, Simposio Internacional em Historia das Maquinas e Mecanismos, 7-10 de Junho, Queretaro, Mexico (2016)

  24. D. Perkins, Early steps towards quarks and their interactions using neutrino beams in CERN bubble chamber experiments, European Physical Journal H (41) 157-164 (2016)

  25. A. Petit, Associating Physics and Chemistry to Dissociate Molecules: The History of the Clausius-Williamson Hypothesis, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46 (3) 360–391 (2016)

  26. J. Provost, C. Bracco, The 1895 Lorentz transformations: historical issues and present teaching, European Journal of Physics (37) (2016)

  27. J. Renn, D. Wintergrun, R. Lalli, Manfred Laubichler and Matteo Valleriani: “Netzwerke als Wissensspeicher", In: Jurgen Mittelstra? und Ulrich Rudiger (Hg.): Die Zukunft der Wissensspeicher. Forschen, Sammeln und Vermitteln im 21. Jahrhundert. Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft (2016) 35-79

  28. T. Sauer, Biography of an idea: the case of gravitational lensing, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (50) (2016)

  29. D. Shcheglov, The Accuracy of Ancient Cartography Reassessed: The Longitude Error in Ptolemy’s Map, Isis, Vol. 107 (4) 687-706 (2016)

  30. J. Simon, Writing the Discipline: Ganot’s Textbook Science and the “Invention” of Physics, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46 (3) 392–427 (2016)

  31. M. Stanley, Why should physicists study history? Physics Today, AIP, 69 (7) p. 38 (2016)

  32. P. Steier, J. Liebl, W. Kutschera, E. Wild, R. Golser, Preparation method of µg carbon samples for 14C measurements, Radiocarbon, online (2016) 1-12; DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2016.94

  33. C. Tai, J. van Dongen, Anton Pannekoek's Epistemic Virtues in Astronomy and Socialism: Personae and the Practice of Science, BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 131 (4) 55-70 (2016)

  34. M. Taltavull, Transmitting Knowledge across Divides: Optical Dispersion from Classical to Quantum Physics, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 46 (3) 313–359 (2016)

  35. F. Wilczek, Physics in 100 years, Physics Today, 69 (4) p. 32 (2016)

  36. E. Wild, W. Kutschera, Altersbestimmung dank Atomtests, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Marz (2016) 62-65

  1. A. Blum, L. Bonolis, R. Lalli, J. Renn, La relativita dopo la guerra, Le Scienze. Edizione italiana di Scientific American 567 (2015), 48-53

  2. A. Blum, R. Lalli und J. Renn, The Reinvention of General Relativity: A Historiographical Framework for Assessing One Hundred Years of Curved Space-Time, Isis, 598–620 (2015)

  3. A. Borrelli, The story of the Higgs boson: The origin of mass in early particle physics, European Physical Journal H (40) 1-52 (2015)

  4. C. Bracco, Einstein and Besso from Zurich to Milano, Rendiconti di Scienze (48) (2015) 285-322

  5. O. Darrigol, Mesh and measure in early general relativity, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (52) 163-187 (2015)

  6. O. Darrigol, Why some physical theories should never die, in Jo?o Principe (ed.), Evora studies in the philosophy and history of science. In memoriam Herminio Martins, Casal de Cambra, Caleidosc?pio (2015) 319-368

  7. O. Darrigol, Shut up and comtemplate! Lucien Hardy’s reasonable axioms for quantum theory, Studies in the history and philosophy of modern physics (52) 328-342 (2015)

  8. O. Darrigol, Poincare’s light, in Poincare, 1912-2012, Seminaire Poincare, Samedi, 24 novembre 2012, 1-43; in B. Duplantier, V. Rivasseau (eds.), Henri Poincare, 1912–2012, Poincare Seminar, 2012, Basel, Birkhauser (2015) 1-50

  9. D. Dieks, J. van Dongen, S. de Haro, Emergence in holographic scenarios for gravity, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (52) 203-216 (2015)

  10. J. van Dongen, Albert Einstein and the History and Philosophy of Science, Isis, 106 (3), 684-689 (2015)

  11. J. van Dongen, Communicating the Heisenberg uncertainty relations: Niels Bohr, complementarity and the Einstein-Rupp experiments. - In F. Aaserud, H. Kragh (Eds.), One hundred years of the Bohr atom: Proceedings from a conference (Scientia Danica. Series M, Mathematica et physica; Vol. 1). Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videskabernes Selskab (2015) 310-343

  12. J. van Dongen, The historical contingency of rationality: The social sciences and the Cold War. Metascience, 24 (1) 71-76 (2015)

  13. J. van Dongen, F. Hoeneveld, Quid pro Quo: Dutch Defense Research during the early Cold War. In J. van Dongen (Ed.), Cold War Science and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge, p. 101-121 (2015)

  14. E. Gorg, W. Deppert, M. Sojka: Kurt Hubner - Bibliographie. In: Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 46 (2) 269-277 (2015)

  15. E. Gorg, Zum Gravitationsgesetz bei Newton, Kant und Fries. In: Kant-Studien, 106 (2) 259-275 (2015)

  16. K. Grandin, I shall always follow your progress with warm interest: Niels Bohr as seen from a Swedish perspective until 1930, One hundred years of the Bohr atom: Proceedings from a conference: Scientia Danica. Series M· Mathematica et physica, F. Aaserud, H. Kragh (Eds.), Copenhagen (2015) 522–546

  17. H. Inaba, Reading Elementary Principles: Gibbs and the origin of statistical mechanics, Annalen der Physik, 527, p. A102-A104 (2015)

  18. H. Inaba, The development of ensemble theory: A new glimpse at the history of statistical mechanics, The European Physical Journal H (40) p. 489-526 (2015)

  19. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ïðèíîñúò íà Íåñòîð Ìàðêîâ çà îáó÷åíèåòî ïî ôèçèêà è ìàòåìàòèêà (1836–1916), Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (3) 281-293 (2015)

  20. M. Kartsonakis, The Pendulum of Philoponos: Natural Philosophy between Science and Religion In The 6th century AD, Science and religion, International Conference Proceedings, Athens (2015) 94-100

  21. C. Kiefer, Als Raum und Zeit sich plotzlich krummten, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 24.11.2015

  22. G. Korschinek, W. Kutschera, Mass spectrometric searches for superheavy elements in terrestrial matter, Nuclear Physics A (944) 190-203 (2015)

  23. H. Kragh, Flickering Light: A History of Neon, In: Ambix, Vol. 62 (2) p. 196-197 (2015)

  24. H. Kragh, Book review: The Performance of the EU in International Institutions, In: European Legacy, Vol. 20, No. 2, (17.02.2015) p. 191-192

  25. H. Kragh, From Cosmochemistry to Fuel Cells: Notes on Emil Baur, Physical Chemist, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 40(2) 74-85 (2015)

  26. J. Lacki, Celebrating hundred-fifty years of Maxwell's equations: a historical perspective, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (45) (2015)

  27. R. Lalli, The Renaissance of Physics: Karl K. Darrow (1891–1982) and the Dissemination of Quantum Theory at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, In: Raffaele Pisano (Hg.): A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks: Sciences, Society and Technology Studies, Dordrecht: Springer (2015) 249–273

  28. G. Lander, The Lives and Times of Pioneering Women in Physics, Neutron News, 26 (3) p. 5 (2015)

  29. D. Leggett, Challenging Contexts in the History of Physics, Book Review, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 (3) 501–510 (2015)

  30. J. Martin, M. Janssen, Beyond the Crystal Maze: Twentieth-Century Physics from the Vantage Point of Solid State Physics, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 (5) 631–640 (2015)

  31. J. Martin, Fundamental Disputations: The Philosophical Debates that Governed American Physics, 1939–1993, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 45 (5) 703–757 (2015)

  32. J.-Ph. Martinez, J. Lacki, Vladimir Fock and the defense of modern theories in Soviet Union, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (47) (2015)

  33. R. Meer, Immanuel Kant: Die Einheit des Bewusst- seins. Die „Deduktion der Kategorien“ und die „Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft“, Kant-Studien 106 (3) (2015)

  34. D. Meldzer, V. Otero, A brief history of physics education in the United States, American Journal of Physics, 83 (5) 447-458 (2015)

  35. R Mosenbacher, Immanuel Kant: Die Einheit des Bewusst-seins. Die “Deduktion der Kategorien und die Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft“, Kant-Studien, Band 106, Ausgabe 3, Seiten 523-527 (2015)

  36. J. Mussell, A Day of Commemoration of the Lodge Family and the First World War, 19 September 2015

  37. J. Navarro Loidi, La balistica en los escritos de Vicente Mut, Llull, 38 (n? 82) 321-344 (2015)

  38. M. Numrich, W. Kutschera, P. Steier, J. Sterba, R. Golser, On the effect of organic carbon on rehydroxylation (RHX) dating, Journal of Archaeological Science (57) 92-97 (2015)

  39. A. Oliveira, Uma Historia Concisa do Principio de Bernoulli, Scientiarum Historia, 11-13 de Novembro de 2015

  40. A. Oliveira, History of Krylov-Bogoliubov- Mitropolsky Methods of Nonlinear Oscillations, 14th IFToMM Workshop on History of Mechanism and Machine Science, St. Petersburg, 26-28 May 2015

  41. A. Oliveira, Charles-Augustin Coulomb the Founder of Biomechanics, 4th IFToMM Workshop on History of Mechanism and Machine Science, St. Petersburg, 26-28 May 2015

  42. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Fibonacci and the Abacus Schools in Italy. Mathematical Conceptual Streams, Science Education and its Changing Relationship with Society, Almagest, 6 (2) 126-164 (2015)

  43. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Galileo in Padua: architecture, fortifications, mathematics and “practical” science, Lettera Matematica Pristem International, Springer, pp. 209-221 (2015)

  44. C. O’Raifeartaigh, M. O’Keeffe W. Nahm, S. Mitton, Einstein’s cosmology review of 1933: a new perspective on the Einstein-de Sitter model of the cosmos, European Physical Journal (H) 40 (3) 301-335 (2015)

  45. E. Redish, E. Kuo, Language of Physics, Language of Math: Disciplinary Culture and Dynamic Epistemology, Science and Education (2015)

  46. X. Roque, Cultures of Research and the InternationalRelations of Physics trouth Francoism: Spain at CERN, Science Policies and Twentieth-Century Dictatorships, Chapter 6, p. 121-140 (2015)

  47. P. M. Schuster, The Institute of Radium Research, Boltzmanngasse 3, Vienna, Austria, Europhysics News, 46 (5-6) p. 4-5 (2015)

  48. M. Vesel, Copernicus, the Bible, Mathematics, and the Pope, Science and religion, International Conference Proceedings, Athens (2015) 241-261

  49. A. Wallner, T. Faestermann, J. Feige, C. Feldstein, K. Knie, G. Korschinek, W. Kutschera, B. Ofan, M. Paul, F. Quinto, G. Rugel, P. Steier, Abundance of live 244Pu in deep-sea reservoirs on Earth points to rarity of actinide nucleosynthesis, Nature Communications (20-Jan-2015)

  50. A. Wallner, M. Bichler, B. Buczak, R. Dressler, L.K. Fifield, D. Schumann, J.H. Sterba, S.G. Tims, G. Wallner, W. Kutschera, Settling the half-life of 60Fe: Fundamental for a versatile astrophysical chronometer, Physical Review Letters (114) 041101 (2015)

  51. D. Wintergrun, J. Renn, R. Lalli, M. Laubichler and M. Valleriani, Netzwerke als Wissensspeicher. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (2015)

  52. E. Wolf, Recollections of Max Born, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (47) (2015)

  1. B. Bonaura, Il lato oscuro della fisica: asimmetria materia-antimateria; materia oscura; energia oscura, Il ruolo della teoria dei gruppi, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  2. L. Bonolis, Simmetrie e principi di invarianza in fisica. Il ruolo della teoria dei gruppi, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  3. A. Borrelli, Thinking with optical objects: glass spheres, lenses and refraction in Giovan Battista Della Porta's optical writings, Journal of Early Modern Studies (2014)

  4. A. Borrelli, Genesis des Gottesteilchen: Narrativen der Massenerzeugung in der Teilchenphysik, In: S. Azzouni, S. Boschen, C. Reinhardt (Hg.), Erzahlung und Geltung. Wissenschaft zwischen Autorschaft und Autoritat, Verlag Velbruck Wissenschaft (2014)

  5. A. Borrelli, The making of an intrinsic property: "symmetry heuristics" in early particle physics, In: Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, Special issue on Intergrated History and Philosophy of Science (2014)

  6. L. Brasini, La precessione di Thomas, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  7. N. Byers, La scoperta di Emmy Noether della relazione profonda fra le simmetrie e le leggi di conservazione, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  8. D. Castelvecchi, Einstein’s lost theory uncovered, Nature (506) 418–419 (2014)

  9. P. Cerreta, L. Franchini, Esperimenti sulle leggi di conservazione, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  10. O. Darrigol, Georges Sagnac, A life for optics, Academie des sciences, physique, Comptes rendus (15) 789-840 (2014)

  11. O. Darrigol, The mystery of Riemann’s curvature, Historia mathematica (2014) 47-83

  12. O. Darrigol, The quantum enigma, in Michel Janssen and Christoph Lehner, The Cambridge companion to Einstein, Cambridge University Press (2014) 117-142

  13. J. Farrell, New Discovery Reveals Einstein Tried To Devise A Steady State Model Of The Universe, Forbes (25 February 2014)

  14. C. Gauld, Gregory L. Baker (2011): Seven Tales of the Pendulum, Science & Education (2014)

  15. H. Goenner, On the history of unified field theory 1930–1965, Part II, Living Review Relativity, Springer, 17(5) 1-241 (2014)

  16. E. Gorg, Integrating Chemistry, Electricity and Magnetism into dynamical Natural Philosophy: J.F. Fries's extension of Kant's Metaphysical Foundations. In: Advances in Historical Studies, 3(1) 56-67 (2014)

  17. H. Grimmer, History of Crystallography in Switzerland, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (43) (2014)

  18. F. Guerra, N. Robotti, Enrico Fermi and Ettore Majorana: So Strong, So Different, Proceedings, 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Fundamental Physics and Physics Education Research (FFP12) : Udine, Italy, 21-23 November 2011, Springer Proc. Phys. (145) 29-39 (2014)

  19. H. Inaba, The genealogy of ensemble theories and thermodynamic analogies: A study on J. Willard Gibbs' Elementary principles in statistical mechanics, PHS Studies, pp.1-20 (2014) Japanese

  20. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ìåæäóíàðîäíàòà êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî èñòîðèÿ íà ôèçèêàòà â Êåéìáðèäæ, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (3) 336-341 (2014)

  21. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Êàáèíåòúò íà Ãåîðãè Íàäæàêîâ – èñòîðè÷åñêè îáåêò íà Åâðîïåéñêîòî ôèçè÷åñêî äðóæåñòâî, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (2) 197-213 (2014)

  22. A. Kostov, Fifty years and the last ten of them: International Activities of the Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology – BAS, Etudes balkaniques (1) 7-21 (2014)

  23. H. Kragh, Einsteins odysse : Fra speciel til almen relativitetsteori, In: Kvant, No. 4 (2014) p. 20-24

  24. H. Kragh, Chemical elements, discoveries, and disputes, In: Metascience, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2014) p. 373-375

  25. H. Kragh, Mathematics and Physics: The Idea of a Pre-Established Harmony, In: Science & Education, Vol. 24, No. 5 (2014)

  26. H. Kragh, (Review of:) Dan Ch. Christensen, Hans Christian Orsted: Reading Nature’s Mind, Oxford University Press (2013), In: Physics in Perspective, Vol. 16, No. 2 (06.2014) p. 280-282

  27. H. Kragh, andheden om sandheden, In: Jyllands-Posten (2014) p. 10-11

  28. H. Kragh, The science of the universe: Cosmology and science education, International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, vol. 1, ed. Michael Matthews, Vol. 1, Dordrecht: Springer (2014) p. 643-665

  29. H. Kragh, Empirical aspects of Niels Bohr's atomic theory (in Chinese), In: Science & Culture Review, Vol. 10, No. 6 (2014) p. 22-39

  30. H. Kragh, Historical aspects of post-1850 cosmology, Graduate School in Astronomy: XVIII Special Courses at the National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro, ed. Marcelo Fernandes; Simone Daflon; Alvaro Alvarez-Candal; Renato Dupke; Jailson Alcaniz. Melville, New York, American Institute of Physics (2014) p. 3-26; AIP Conference Proceedings Series; No. 3, Vol. 1632

  31. H. Kragh, Naming the big bang - In: Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol. 44 (1) p. 3-36 (2014)

  32. H. Kragh, Origin of the modern cosmological principle, Cosmology and Consciousness: Quantum Physics and Neuroscience of Mind . ed. Deepak Chopra; Roger Penrose, London, (2014) p. 29-36

  33. H. Kragh, Quantum theory, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology vol. 2. ed. Hugh Slotten. New York, Oxford University Press (2014) p. 317-319

  34. H. Kragh, (Review) David P. D. Munns, A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press (2013), In: Technology and Culture, Vol. 55, No. 2 (2014) p. 506-507

  35. H. Kragh, (Review) J. S. Rowlinson, Sir James Dewar, 1842-1923: A Ruthless Chemist, Ashgate: Farnham (2012), In: Ambix, Vol. 61, No. 1 (2014) p. 107

  36. H. Kragh, (Review) S. Katzir, C. Lehner, and J. Renn, eds., Traditions and Transformations in the History of Quantum Physics, Berlin: Edition Open Access (2013), In: Centaurus, Vol. 56, No. 1 (2014) p. 58-59

  37. H. Kragh, Rundetarn og kikkerten – nyt lys pa gammel historie, In: Aktuel Naturvidenskab, No. 4 (2014) p. 44-47

  38. H. Kragh, The names of physics: plasma, fission, photon, In: European Physical Journal H, Vol. 39, No. 3 (2014) p. 263-281

  39. H. Kragh, The "new physics", The Fin-de-Siecle World . ed., Michael Saler. London : Routledge (2014) p. 441-455

  40. H. Kragh, Trek af oxygens opdagelseshistorie, Oxygen: Historien om et Grundstofs Opdagelse, ed. Ture Damhus; Anita K. Nielsen; Borge Riis Larsen. Nyt Teknisk Forlag (2014) p. 9-22; Historisk-Kemiske Skrifter; No. 21

  41. H. Kragh, 1811 – Luftferd, Danmark Bliver Danmark: Krig, Damp og Genier i 1800-Tallet, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2014) p. 11

  42. H. Kragh, 1857 – Lys, Danmark Bliver Danmark: Krig, Damp og Genier i 1800-Tallet, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2014) p. 57

  43. H. Kragh, 1865 – Gronland, Danmark Bliver Danmark: Krig, Damp og Genier i 1800-Tallet, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2014) p. 65

  44. H. S. Kragh and J. M. Overduin, The active ether, In H. Kragh, J. M. Overduin (eds), The Weight of the Vacuum—A Scientific History of Dark Energy, Springer, Heidelberg (2014) p. 7–12

  45. H. Kreinz, Maxwell's demon its Historical Role on the route from thermodynamics to (quanturm) information theory, M. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. Schuster, D. Weaire (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014, Living Editions, Science (2014) 285-307

  46. W. Kutschera, G. Patzelt, E. Wild, B. Haas-Jettmar, W. Kofler, A. Lippert, K. Oeggl, E. Pak, A. Priller, P. Steier, N. Wahlmuller-Oeggl, A. Zanesco, Evidence for early human presence at high altitudes in the Otztal Alps (Austria/Italy), Radiocarbon, 56(3) 923-947 (2014)

  47. J. Lacki, 1946-1960: Une periode difficile pour la physique genevoise, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (43) (2014)

  48. R. Lalli, A New Scientific Journal Takes the Scene: The Birth of Reviews of Modern Physics, Annalen der Physik 526 (2014), A83–87

  49. J.-F. Loude, Force and work measurements: the beginnings, Early Dynamometers (from Muscle to Steam Power) (2014)

  50. S. Manning, F. Hoflmayer, N. Moeller, M. Dee, C. Bronk Ramsey, D. Fleitmann, T. Higham, W. Kutschera, E. Wild, Dating the Thera (Santorini) eruption: archaeological and scientific evidence supporting a high chronology, Antiquity (88) 1164-1179 (2014)

  51. H. Nussbaumer, Einstein's conversion from his static to an expanding universe, European Physical Journal H, 39 (1) 37-62 (2014)

  52. A. Oliveira, Leibniz como Engenheiro de Minas em Harz (Alemanha), aceito para publicacao no Scientiarum, Rio, 12 de Novembro de 2014

  53. A. Oliveira, History of Two Fundamental Principles of Physics: Least Action and Conservation of Energy, Revista da AHS (Advances in Historical Studies), No. 3, pp. 83-92, Marco de 2014.

  54. E. Piparo, Simmetrie e fisica: dal principio di Curie al bosone di Higgs, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  55. R. Pisano, Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Jesuit Edition: The Tenor of a Huge Work, Rendiconti Lincei, 25 (4) p. 413–444 (2014)

  56. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Notes on mechanics and mathematics in Torricelli as physics mathematics relationships in the history of science. Problems of Education In The 21st Century International Journal. Special Issue (61) 88–97 (2014)

  57. R. Pisano, Paolo Bussotti, On the Jesuit Edition of Newton’s Principia. Science and Advanced Researches in the Western Civilization. Newton Special Issue: History and Historical Epistemology of Science. Advances in Historical Studies Special Issue, 3 (1) 33-55 (2014)

  58. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Galileo a Padova: un itinerario tra architettura, fortificazioni, matematica e scienza “pratica”, Lettera Matematica Pristem (91) 48-58 (2014)

  59. A. Poggi, Le leggi del moto. Concetti, intuizioni e sviluppi della dinamica dei corpi materiali nei secoli diciassettesimo e diciottesimo, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  60. C. O’Raifeartaigh, B. McCann, Einstein’s Cosmic Model of 1931 Revisited: An Analysis and Translation of a Forgotten Model of the Universe, European Physical Journal (H) 39 (1) 63–85 (2014)

  61. C. O’Raifeartaigh, B. McCann, W. Nahm, S. Mitton, Einstein’s steady-state theory: an abandoned model of the cosmos, European Physical Journal (H) 39 (3) 215-232 (2014)

  62. C. O’Raifeartaigh, Einstein’s steady-state cosmology, Physics World, 27(9) 30-33 (2014)

  63. C. O’Raifeartaigh, A forgotten model of the universe: Analysis of Einstein's 1931 paper featuring a dynamic model of the universe, Science Daily, 19 February 2014.

  64. C. O'Raifeartaigh, S. Mitton, A new persppective on steady-state cosmology from Einstein to Hoyle, In: M. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. Schuster, D. Weaire (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014, Living Editions, Science (2014) 241-267

  65. J. Reid, David Gill Magnificent and Desirable Astronomer, In: M. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. Schuster, D. Weaire (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014, Living Editions, Science (2014) 269-283

  66. N. Robotti, Il decadimento Beta: dal principio di conservazione dell'energia alla scoperta del neutrino; dal principio di conservazione della carica alla teoria di Fermi, La fisica nella squola, Q25 I principi di conservazione e le simmetrie nella storia della Fisica (2014)

  67. P. M. Schuster, Closing Remarks and Outlook. The European History of Physics - a Challenge to Our Physics Community, In: M. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. Schuster, D. Weaire (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014, Living Editions, Science (2014) 309-315

  68. Ch. Smeenk, Einstein’s Role in the Creation of Relativistic Cosmology, in The Cambridge Companion to Einstein, ed. Michel. Janssen and Christoph Lehner, Cambridge University Press (2014) 228–69

  69. M. van Strien, On the origins and foundations of Laplacian determinism, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 45(1) 24-31 (2014)

  70. M. van Strien, The Norton dome and the nineteenth century foundations of determinism, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 45(1) 167-185 (2014)

  71. Y. Zhang, D. Wu, W. Wu, Study on Relationship Between the History of Physics and Physics Teaching, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cybernetics and Informatics (2014) pp 2307–2315

  1. V. Argyrakis, The Evolution of Wind theory and the Concept of Exhalation in the Context of ancient Greek thought, Almagest, 4 (2) 122-139 (2013)

  2. G. Battimelli, Tra fisica sperimentale e fisica teorica: mutamenti nella fisica italiana del primo Novecento, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica (18) 95–105 (2013)

  3. D. Beard, Electron-physics Apparatus, History of Physics Group Newsletter (No 31) p. 10-13 (December 2013)

  4. J. van Besouw, J. van Dongen, The reception of relativity in the Netherlands, In A. Maas, & H. Schatz (Eds.), Physics as a calling, science for society: studies in honour of A. J. Kox, Leiden Publications (2013) 89-110

  5. V. Bontems, Ettore Majorana’s transversal epistemology, Revue de Synth?se (134) 29 (2013)

  6. A. Borrelli, M. Stoltzner, Model Landscapes in the Higgs Sector, In: V. Karakostas, D. Dieks (ed.), EPSA11 Perspectives and foundational problems in philosophy of science. Conference 2011 (Springer 2013) 241-252

  7. L. Bruun, F. Aaserud, H. Kragh, Bohrs model for atomers og molekylers struktur, Forlaget Epsilon (2013) p. 111-124

  8. L. Bruun, F. Aaserud, H. Kragh, Den videre udvikling af Bohrs atomteori, Forlaget Epsilon (2013) p. 125-138

  9. Ch. Cremer, B. R. Masters, Resolution enhancement techniques in microscopy, European Physical Journal H (38) 281-344 (2013)

  10. O. Darrigol, R. Jurgen, The emergence of statistical mechanics. In J. Buchwald, R. Fox (eds.), The Oxford handbook to the history of physics, Oxford University Press (2013) 765-788

  11. O. Darrigol, Maurice de Broglie, El descenso en el atomo, in Jose Manuel Sanchez Ron (ed.), Creadores cientific?s, La fisica en la residencia de estudiantes [1910-1936], Madrid, Publicationes de la Residencia de Estudiantes (2013) 145-162

  12. O. Darrigol, A few reasons why Louis de Broglie discovered matter waves and yet did not discover Schr?dinger’s equation, in Wolfgang Reiter et al. (eds.), Erwin Schr?dinger - 50 years after, Zurich, European Mathematical Society (2013) 166-174

  13. O. Darrigol, For a philosophy of hydrodynamics, in Robert Batterman (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy of physics, Oxford University Press (2013) 12-42

  14. E. Davies, Kelvin and the Age of the Earth, History of Physics Group Newsletter (No 31) p. 34-37 (December 2013)

  15. J. Dudley, V. Sarano, F. Dias, On Hokusai's Great wave off Kanagawa: localization, linearity and a rogue wave in sub-Antarctic waters, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 67 (2) 159-164 (2013)

  16. G. Gooday, D. Mitchell, Rethinking ’classical physics’, In J. Buchwald, R. Fox (eds), Oxford Handbook of the History of Physics, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013) p. 721–764

  17. E. Gorg, Kant und Fries: Kritik des newtonschen Raumes. In: Kant und die Philosophie in Weltburgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI Kant-Kongress 2010, 5, 55-64 (2013)

  18. J. Grozier, Newton's Second Law, History of Physics Group Newsletter (No 31) p. 21-34 (December 2013)

  19. F. Guerra, N. Robotti, The Disappearance and Death of Ettore Majorana, Phys.Perspect. (15) 160-177 (2013)

  20. N. Herran, X. Roque, An Autarkic Science: Physics, Culture, and Power in Franco’s Spain, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 43 (2) 202–235 (2013)

  21. P. Holmberg, H. Nevanlinna, Geomagnetic, meteorological and auroral research in Finland from the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, Bidrag till kannedom av Finlands natur och folk (The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Helsinki, Finland), No. 191 (2013)

  22. F. Hoeneveld, J. van Dongen, Out of a clear blue sky? FOM, the bomb and the boost in Dutch physics funding after World War II. Centaurus, 55 (3) 264-293 (2013)

  23. J. Lacki, Le modele atomique de Bohr: origines, contexte et posterite, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (40) (2013)

  24. R. Lalli, Anti-relativity in action: The scientific activity of herbert e. ives between 1937 and 1953, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 43 (1) 41–104 (2013)

  25. R. Mosenbacher, Das Schematismuskapitel Immanuel Kants. Zur Funktion und Struktur des Schematismus der reinen Verstandesbegriffe, Akademiker-Verlag 1-6 (2013)

  26. F. Papanelopoulou, Louis Paul Cailletet: The liquefaction of oxygen and the emergence of low-temperature research, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 67 (4) 355-373 (2013)

  27. T. Petkovic, The achievement, legacy, intuition, and Cosmopolitanism of Nikola Tesla, Almagest, 4 (2) 60-85 (2013)

  28. R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, Conceptual and Mathematical Structures of Mechanical Science in the Western Civilization around the 18th century, Almagest, 4 (2) 86-121 (2013)

  29. A. Postnikov, The russian Mission to Bukhara in 1842 and the Fate of the English Emissaries Charles Stoddart and arthur Conolly, Almagest, 4(2) 32-59 (2013)

  30. M. Wright, The antikythera Mechanism: Compound Gear-trains for Planetary indications, Almagest, 4(2) 4-31 (2013)

  31. H. Zuidervaart, Entrepreneurs in Experiments: The Leiden Cabinet of Physics and the Motives of its Founders (1675-1742), Cabinets of Experimental Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Europe (2013)

  32. H. Hooijmaijers, A. Maas, New Light on the Cabinet of Physics of Padua, Cabinets of Experimental Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Europe (2013)

  33. H. Kragh, Det levende univers, In: AU-gustus, Vol. 3 (2013) p. 29

  34. H. Kragh, Entretien avec Helge Kragh sur la physique de la fin de siecle, In: L’elephant: la revue de culture generale, No. 4 (2013) p. 133-135

  35. H. Kragh, Arven efter Bohr, In: Magisterbladet, No. 12 (2013) p. 34-35

  36. H. Kragh, Har naturvidenskaben en fremtiden Fremtiden. ed., Ole Hoiris. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 67-98

  37. H. Kragh, Niels Bohr between physics and chemistry, In: Physics Today, Vol. 66 (2013) p. 36-41

  38. H. Kragh, Big Bang: The etymology of a name, In: Astronomy & Geophysics, Vol. 54, No. 2 (2013) p. 2.28-2.30

  39. H. Kragh, Bohrs atomteori fylder 100 ar, In: Aktuel Naturvidenskab, No. 1, (2013) p. 10-14

  40. H. Kragh, Korrespondensprincippet : Bohrs tryllestav, In: Kvant - Tidsskrift for fysik og astronomi, No. 1 (2013) p. 4

  41. H. Kragh, Pioner og kreationist, In: Weekendavisen (2013) p. 13

  42. H. Kragh, A quantum discontinuity, Erwin Schrodinger: 50 Years After. ed. Wolfgang L. Reiter; Jakob Yngvason. European Mathematical Society (2013) p. 135-152

  43. H. Kragh, Big bang – den kosmiske begyndelse, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 281-286

  44. H. Kragh, Buckyball – verdens smukkeste molekyle, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 311-316

  45. H. Kragh, Daltons atomteori, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 83-88

  46. H. Kragh, Den dynamiske Jord, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 215-222

  47. H. Kragh, Den forbavsende radioaktivitet, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 177-182

  48. H. Kragh, Den kopernikanske revolution, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 23-28

  49. H. Kragh, Den magelose kvantemekanik, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 229-236

  50. H. Kragh, Den morke energi, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 323-328

  51. H. Kragh, Den uforgungelige energi, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 103-108

  52. H. Kragh, Skydsgaard, Morten Arnika; Wang, Tobias, Efterskrift, Om naturvidenskabelige opdagelser, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 323-338

  53. H. Kragh, Einsteins relativitetsteori, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben . Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 189-196

  54. H. Kragh, Elektromagnetismen, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben. Aarhua : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 97-102

  55. H. Kragh, En verden af planeter, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben . Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 317-322

  56. H. Kragh, Et himmelsk grundstof, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 183-188

  57. H. Kragh, Et univers af galakser, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 237-244

  58. H. Kragh, Fikseringen af luftens kvelstof, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 203-208

  59. H. Kragh, Fossilernes natur, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 53-58

  60. H. Kragh, Fysik som teknologi? Heidegger om naturvidenskabens og teknologiens vesen, Nye Sporgsmal om Teknikken. ed. / Kasper Schiolin; Soren Riis, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 87-102.

  61. H. Kragh, Grundstoffernes periodiske system, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben . Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 143-148

  62. H. Kragh, Heavenly radiation : Research on the aurora borealis in the early 20th century The Roots of Physics in Europe, ed. Peter Schuster. Pollauberg, Austria, Living Edition (2013) p. 217-234

  63. H. Kragh, Ingenting – det absolutte tomrum, 50 opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, (2013) p. 17-22

  64. H. Kragh, Istid og istider, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 123-130

  65. H. Kragh, Johannes Keplers planetlove, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 35-40.

  66. H. Kragh, Jordens alder, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 71-76.

  67. H. Kragh, Jordens form og storrelse, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 11-16

  68. H. Kragh, Jordens indre, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 275-280

  69. H. Kragh, Lavoisiers kemiske revolution, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 77-82

  70. H. Kragh, Lys er elektromagnetiske bolger, 50 Opdagelser: Hojdepunkter i Naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013) p. 149-154

  71. H. Kragh, Grundstoffernes periodiske system, In: Jyllands-Posten (2013) 13 October 2013. p. 8-9

  72. H. Kragh, Svante Arrhenius, Cosmical Physicist and Auroral Theorist, History of Geo- and Space Sciences (4) 61-69 (2013)

  73. H. Kragh, Videnskabsikonets revolution?re tanker, In: Jyllands-Posten (2013) 06 October 2013. p. 8-9

  74. W. Kutschera, Applications of accelerator mass spectrometry, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (349-350) 203-218 (2013)

  75. W. Kutschera, Accelerator mass spectrometry – from DNA to astrophysics, EJP Web of Conferences (63) 03001 (2013)

  76. R. Lalli, Anti-Relativity in Action: The Scientific Activity of Herbert E. Ives between 1937 and 1953, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 43, 41–104 (2013)

  77. J.-F. Loude, Gottfried Erich Rosenthal (1745-1813) a follower of Deluc in northern Germany (2013)

  78. P. Papacosta, Henrietta Leavitt, History of Physics Group Newsletter (No 31) p. 13-21 (December 2013)

  79. J. A. Peacock, Slipher galaxies and cosmological velosity fields, In: M. Wau, D. Hunter (Eds), Origins of the expanding universe 1912-1932, Astronomical Society Pac. Conference Series (471) 3-23 (2013)

  80. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Open problems in mathematical modelling and physical experiments: exploring exponential function. Problems of education in the 21st century (50) 56-69 (2013)

  81. R. Pisano, On the New Boson Higgs’s Studies at the CERN-ATLAS Experiment. The Emergency of a Historical Discovery. Advances in Historical Studies, 2 (1) 3-5 (2013)

  82. R. Pisano, Reflections on the Scientific Conceptual Streams in Leonardo da Vinci and his Relationship with Luca Pacioli, Advances in Historical Studies, 2 (2) 32-45 (2013)

  83. C. O’Raifeartaigh, The contribution of V. M. Slipher to the discovery of the expanding universe, In: M. Wau, D. Hunter (Eds), Origins of the expanding universe 1912-1932, Astronomical Society Pac. Conference Series (471) 49-61 (2013)

  84. C. O’Raifeartaigh, The contribution of V.M. Slipher to the discovery of the expanding universe, In: Origins of the Expanding Universe: 1912-1932, (eds M.Way and D. Hunter) Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series 471 (2013) pp. 49-61

  85. J. Ron, The Past is Prologue: The Future and the History of Science, Open Mind, BBVA, Madrid (2013)

  86. N. Straumann, On the Einstein-Grossmann Collaboration 100 Years ago, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (40) (2013)

  87. N. Straumann, Fritz Zwicky: An Extraordinary Astrophysicist Swees Physical Society (2013)

  88. M. van Strien, The nineteenth century conflict between mechanism and irreversibility, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 44(3) 191-205 (2013)

  89. A. Varela, Des decisions politiques aux consequences scientifiques - La strategie des augmentations d’energie dans les dernieres annees du LEP, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (40) (2013)

  1. J. Ballad, Decisive Test for the Ritz Hypothesis, Apeiron, Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (1) 38 (2012)

  2. O. Bergmann, J. Liebl, S. Bernard, K. Alkass, M. Yeung, P. Steier, W. Kutschera, L. Johnson, M. Landen, H. Druid, K. Spalding, J. Frisen, The Age of Olfactory Bulb Neurons in Humans, Neuron (74) 634-639 (2012)

  3. A. Borrelli, Glasinstrumente und Naturforschung bei Giovan Battista Della Porta: Ein Beispiel von „transverse regime“ der Wissensproduktion in der fruhen Neuzeit?, In: K. Hentschel (ed.), Zur Geschichte der Forschungstechnologien. Generalitat, Interstitialitat and Transfer (Diepholz: GNT-Verlag, 2012) 92-109

  4. A. Borrelli, The case of the composite Higgs: the model as a “Rosetta stone” in contemporary high-energy physics, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (2012) 195-214

  5. R. Catinaud, Which physics for a new institute? Albert Gockel, Joseph Kowalski and the early years of the Fribourg Institute of Physics, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (2012)

  6. O. Darrigol, Poincare’s light, in Poincare, 1912-2012, Seminaire Poincare, Samedi, 24 novembre 2012, 1-43; in B. Duplantier, V. Rivasseau (eds.), Henri Poincare, 1912–2012, Poincare Seminar, 2012, Basel, Birkhauser (2015) 1-50

  7. O. Darrigol, Electrodynamics in the physics of Walther Ritz, in Jean-Claude Pont (ed.), Le destin douloureux de Walther Ritz, physicien theoricien de genie, Sion, Vallesia (2012) 207-240

  8. O. Darrigol, La radiazione e il quanto, in Storia della scienza, vol. 8, La seconda rivoluzione scientifica, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (2012) 408-412

  9. P. Eggen, L. Kvittingen, A. Lykknes, R. Wittje, Reconstructing Iconic Experiments in Electrochemistry: Experiences from a History of Science Course, Science and Education (2012)

  10. N. Golvers, E. Nicolaidis, Verbiest’s manuscripts on astronomy and mechanics (1676): From Beijing to Moscow and Constantinople, Conference paper, Europe and China: Science and the Arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries (2012)

  11. K. Grandin, The Nobel Prize in 1909: The Awarding Process, A Wireless World, 78–91 (2012)

  12. K. Grandin, Emanuel Swedenborgs arkiv, En introduktion till Memory of the World – Varldsminnesprogrammet, 1/2012, Svenska Unescor?dets ?rsbok 2011, Stockholm (2012) 64–71

  13. G. Eckhardt, History of the discovery of the stimulated Raman effect at the Hughes research laboratories, European Physical Journal H (37) 793-796 (2012)

  14. N. Herran, X. Roque, Historia de la f'isica en Espa?a en el siglo XX: balance y perspectivas, Nova Epoca (5) p. 11-23 (2012)

  15. P. Holmberg, Geomagnetic Measurements in Finland in the 19th Century (& Heikki Nevanlinna), 2nd EHoP Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, 3-4 September 2009, p. 103-121, Living Edition, Pollauberg (2012)

  16. G. Kamisheva, History of Science and Technology in Bulgaria, Newsletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe (17) 15-20, December 2012

  17. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, À. Ã. Ïåòðîâ, Ñëàäêîäóìíèêúò íà áúëãàðñêàòà ôèçèêà, Í. Áàëàáàíîâ, Îòêðîâåíèÿ, Óíèâ. Èçä. Ï. Õèëåíäàðñêè, Ïëîâäèâ (2012) ñ. 204-210

  18. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Âòîðà ìåæäóíàðîäíà êîíôåðåíöèÿ Êîðåíèòå íà ôèçèêàòà â Åâðîïà 100 ãîäèíè êîñìè÷íè ëú÷è, Ñïèñàíèå íà ÁÀÍ (6) 60-64 (2012)

  19. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ðàçïðîñòðàíåíèå è ðàçâèòèå íà ôèçèêî-ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèòå çíàíèÿ íà Áàëêàíèòå, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà, êí. (1) 93-96 (2012)

  20. Sh. Katzir, Who knew piezoelectricity? Rutherford and Langevin on submarine detection and the invention of sonar, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 66 (2) (2012)

  21. H. Kragh, Zollner’s universe, Physics in Perspective (14) 392–420 (2012)

  22. H. Kragh, Is space flat? Nineteenth-century astronomy and non-Euclidean astronomy, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (15) 149–158 (2012)

  23. H. Kubbinga, Crystallography from Hauy to Laue: controversies on the molecular and atomistic nature of solids, Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 227, 1–26 (2012); Acta Crystography, A68, 3-29 (2012)

  24. W. Kutschera, M. Bietak, E. Wild, C. Bronk Ramsey, M. Dee, R. Golser, K. Kopetzky, P. Stadler, P. Steier, U. Thanheiser, F. Weninger, The chronology of Tell el-Daba: A crucial meeting point of 14C dating, archaeology, and Egyptology in the 2nd millennium BC, Radiocarbon, 54(3-4) 407-422 (2012)

  25. J. Lacki, Albert Gockel: from atmospheric electricity to cosmic radiation, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (2012)

  26. R. Lalli, The Reception of Miller’s Ether-Drift Experiments in the USA: The History of a Controversy in Relativity Revolution, Annals of Science, 69 (2012) 153–214

  27. D. Monaldi, Raffaella Simili. Sotto falso nome: Scienziate italiane ebree (1938–1945), Isis, 103(4) 802-803 (2012)

  28. E. Nicolaidis, La politique scientifique dans l'Empire ottoman, International Archive of the History of Science, Les sciences a la cour de Versailles et la naissance des politiques scientifiques en Europe, vol. 62, fasc. 169, decembre (2012) 679-689, Presentation in Franch (31:52)

  29. A. Oliveira, Jean-Victor Poncelet and the Development of Applied Mechanics, IFToMM Symposium, Amsterdam 7-10 de Maio de 2012

  30. A. Oliveira, The Role of the Concept of Work in the Development of Applied Mechanics, SISFA 2012, Roma, Setembro 2012

  31. A. Oliveira, Passagens da Revolucao Cientifica para as Ciencias da Engenharia, Sientiarum 2012, Rio, Novembro de 2012

  32. R. Pisano, F. Casolaro, An Historical Inquiry On Geometry In Relativity. Reflections on Late Relationship Geometry–Physics (Part Two) History Research, 2 (1) 56–64 (2012)

  33. R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Galileo And Kepler. On Theoremata Circa Centrum Gravitatis Solidorum And Mysterium Cosmographicum, History Research, 2 (2) 110–145 (2012)

  34. R. Pisano, M. Mellone, Learning Mathematics In Physics Phenomenology And Historical Conceptual Streams, Problems Of Education, In The 21st Century (46) 93–100 (2012)

  35. N. Straumann, From Static to Expanding Models of the Universe, SPG Mitteilungen Communications de la SSP (2012)

  36. J. Thomas, William Lawrence Bragg The Pioneer of X-ray Crystallography and his Pervasive Influence, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. (51) 12946-12958 (2012)

  37. W. Thomas, Strategies of Detection, Interpretive Methods in Experimental Particle Physics, 1930?-1950, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 42 (5) 389-431 (2012)

  38. Ne. Todd, The Radium Committee of the Royal Society and the fate of the substances purchased by it, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 66 (2) (2012)

  39. J. Wang, Physics, Emotion, and the Scientific Self, Merle Tuve’s Cold War, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 42 (5) 341–388 (2012)

  1. M. Badino, Mechanistic slumber vs. statistical insomnia: The early history of Boltzmann’s H-theorem (1868–1877), The European Physical Journal H (36) 353–378 (2011)

  2. Y. Bergman, Alfred Nobel, Aniline and Diphenylamine, ICON (17) 40-56 (2011)

  3. L. Bonolis, I signori dei raggi cosmici. dai laboratori terrestri alla fisica dello spazio, La fisica nella squola, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  4. A. Borrelli, Giovan Battista Della Porta’s Neapolitan magic and his humanistic meteorology, In: S. Zielinski, E. Furlus (eds.), Variantology 5. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies (Cologne: Walther Konig, 2011) 103–130

  5. A. Borrelli, Angular momentum between physics and mathematics, In: K.-H. Schlote, M. Schneider (eds.), Mathematics Meets Physics (Frankfurt a. M.: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 2011) 395–440

  6. Alfio Briguglia, "Le due culture". Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento. L'incidenza della filosofia personale dello scienziato nel lavoro di ricerca, La fisica nella squola, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  7. A. Buchanan, Power and Conservation: The Importance of the History of Technology, ICON (Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (17) 3-11 (2011)

  8. B. Buchanan, The Gunpowder Heritage: ‘Re-using the Industrial Past’, ICON (17) 71-93 (2011)

  9. B. Buonaura, Einstein, il Campo Elettromagnetico, la Meccanica quantistica, La fisica nella squola, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  10. D. Cahan, Helmholtz and the British scientific elite: From force conservation to energy conservation, Notes and Records, Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, 66 (1) 55-68 (2011)

  11. D. Cahan, The awarding of the Copley Medal and the ‘discovery’ of the law of conservation of energy: Joule, Mayer and Helmholtz revisited, Notes and Records, Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, 66 (2) 125-139 (2011)

  12. G. Chiarelli, Storia e risultati del CERN tra passato e futuro, Q22 La fisica nella squola, Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  13. J. Cronin, The 1953 cosmic ray conference at Bagneres de Bigorre: The birth of sub atomic physics, European Physical Journal H (36) 183-201 (20110

  14. A. Davis, The Strangest Man, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 27-32 (2011)

  15. F. Dellinger, W. Kutschera, O. Forstner, R. Golser, A. Priller, P.Steier, A. Wallner, G. Winkler, Upper limits for the existence of long-lived isotopes of roentgenium in natural gold, Phys. Rev. C (83) 015801-1 to 9 (2011)

  16. F. Dellinger, O. Forstner, R. Golser, A. Priller, P.Steier, A. Wallner, G. Winkler, W. Kutschera, Ultrasensitive search for long-lived superheavy nuclides in the mass range A = 288 to A = 300 in natural Pt, Pb, and Bi, Phys. Rev. C (83) 065806-1 to 13 (2011)

  17. L. Drury, Escaping the accelerator: how, when and in what numbers do cosmic rays get out of supernova remnants? (2011) MNRAS 415 1807

  18. P. Ford, Superconductivity - the first hundred years, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 7-25 (2011)

  19. J. Gaspar, A. Sim?es, Physics on the Periphery, A Research School at the University of Lisbon under Salazar's Dictatorship, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 41 (3) 303–343 (2011)

  20. K. Grandin, A. Eriksson, Scientific instruments, The Linnaeus Apostels – Global Science and Adventure, vol. I, kap. 11, ed. Lars Hansen, London & Whitby (2011) 279–306

  21. H. Inaba, On the origin of the concept of ensemble: From Helmholtz to Boltzmann, PHS Studies, pp.85-95 (2011) Japanese

  22. D. Jones, The Secret Life of Bletchley Park, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 35-41 (2011)

  23. D. Jones, A Brilliant Darkness, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 42-47 (2011)

  24. G. Kamisheva, Origins of theoretical physics in Bulgaria. – Dissemination and Development Physics and Mathematics on the Balkans 2011, Edited by A. G. Petrov, G. Kamisheva, R. Kamburova, ISSP, Sofia (2012) 34-43

  25. G. Kamisheva, A brif history of superconductivity in Bulgaria. – Dissemination and Development Physics and Mathematics on the Balkans 2011, Edited by A. G. Petrov, G. Kamisheva, R. Kamburova, ISSP, Sofia (2012) 109-113

  26. G. Kamisheva Physics and Mathematics in the Balkans Dissemination and Development Symposium 17-18 October 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria. – Newsletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe (16) 7-8 (2011)

  27. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ïàìåòíà êíèãà íà Ñúþçà íà ôèçèöèòå â Áúëãàðèÿ 2007–2011, Îò÷åòåí äîêëàä íà Óïðàâèòåëíèÿ ñúâåò íà Ñúþçà íà ôèçèöèòå â Áúëãàðèÿ, V²² Êîíãðåñ, ÑÔÁ, Ñîôèÿ (2011) 45-46

  28. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Êîðåíèòå íà òåîðåòè÷íàòà ôèçèêà â Áúëãàðèÿ, Îò Ðúäúðôîðä äî êîëàéäåðà, Ñáîðíèê ñ ðåçþìåòà, Íàöèîíàëåí ñåìèíàð, ÍÀÎÏ, ßìáîë (2011) 13-14

  29. W. Van der Kloot, Mirrors and smoke: A. V. Hill, his Brigands, and the science of anti-aircraft gunnery in World War I, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 65 (4) (2911)

  30. J. Lacki, Arthur Schidlof, un pionnier de la physique theorique suisse

  31. J. Lacki, Walter Ritz (1878-1909), the revolutionary classical physicist (2011)

  32. L. Loy, Feynman, QED e la strana teoria della luce e della materia, La fisica nella squola, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  33. G. Maltese, Franco Rasetti, Q22 La fisica nella squola, Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  34. G. Maltese, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Q22 La fisica nella squola, Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  35. M. Matthews, Walter Robert Jung, HPSST Newsletter (2011)

  36. O. Masaaki, Interpretation of Defence Heritage in Japan: A Survey of Its ‘Neglect and Reuse’ and Future Potential as Significant Landscape, ICON (17) 94-108 (2011)

  37. Ernan McMullin, John Cardinal O’Hara, HPSST Newsletter (2011)

  38. J. Navarro Loidi, Las matematicas en la Academia Militar de Avila, La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matematica Espanola, 14 (n 2): 309-332 (2011)

  39. A. Newing, The History of X-Rays, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 4-6 (2011)

  40. E. Nicolaidis, Ancient Greek Mathematical Astronomy, Chapter 9, The classical world, Heritage studies of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, A thematic study, ed. by C. Ruggles and M. Cotte, Paris: ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites – IAU International Astronomical Union (2011) 141-143, e-book ISBN 978-2-918086-01-7

  41. A. Oliveira, Coriolis? Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, IFToMM Congress, Guanajuato, Mexico, Junho de 2011

  42. A. Oliveira, Jean-Victor Poncelet: Matematico e Engenheiro Politecnico, Scientiarum Historia IV, Rio de Janeiro, Outubro de 2011

  43. A. Oliveira, As Transformacoes da Ciencia das Maquinas no Seculo XIX e o Surgimento da Termodinamica, Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Historia das Ciencias, Outubro de 2011, Coimbra.Pt.

  44. R. Pisano, F. Casolaro, An Historical Inquiry On Geometry, In Relativity. Reflections on Early Relationship Geometry–Physics (Part one), History Research, 1 (1) 47-60 (2011)

  45. C. Pursell, The American Patent Agency: The Embedded ‘Lone Inventor’ in American History, ICON (17) 31-39 (2011)

  46. C. Romagnino, Donna, povera, bella, scienziata. La leggenda di Marie Curie, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  47. C. Romagnino, Albert Einstein, uomo e scienziato, Q22 Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  48. P. Rowlands, Quantum Leaps, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) 33-34 (2011)

  49. A. Russo, La fisica e le sue storie, Q22 La fisica nella squola, Figure e storie della fisica del Novecento (2011)

  50. S. Seth, The History of Physics after the Cultural Turn, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 41 (1) 112–122 (2011)

  51. P. Thyssen and K. Binnemans, Accommodation of the Rare Earths in the Periodic Table: A Historical Analysis, in K. Gschneider (Ed.), Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Vol. 41, Academic Press, Burlington (2011) 1-94

  52. D. Weaire, Stocking filler, IoP History of Physics Group Newsletter (29) p. 48 (2011)

  53. E. Wild, W. Kutschera, 14C und die Chronologie Agyptens, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dezember (2011) 48-55

  54. A. Yagou, Is Everyday Technology Serious or Fun? Reflections on Emotional Styles in Product Design, ICON (17) 57-68 (2011)

  1. C. Armendariz-Picon, J. Garriga, Primordial perturbations in einstein-aether and bpsh theories, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, p, 1–50 (2010)

  2. S. Bergia, La matematica come potente suggestione analogica, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  3. C. Bernardini, La matematica come potente suggestione analogica: il caso dell'oscillatore armonico, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  4. L. Bonolis, Il moto dei pianeti, ordine o caos? Il problema dei tre corpi, una sfida per la meccanica celeste, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  5. L. Bonolis, Matematici e fisici a G?ttingen. Amalie Emmy Noether e la nascita delle superleggi: simmetrie e invarianze, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  6. A. Borrelli, Die Reproduktion des Temperaturbegriffs, In: U. Frietsch, B. von Wulfingen (eds.), Epistemologie und Differenz. Zur Reproduktion in den Wissenschaften (Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010) 59–82

  7. A. Borrelli, Dirac’s bra-ket notation and the notion of a quantum state, In: Hermann Hunger, F. Seebacher, G. Holzer (eds.), Styles of Thinking in Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Vienna 2008) (2010) 361–371

  8. A. Borrelli, Die bewegende Kraft des Feuers: Naturgeheimnisse und „nutzlose“ Technik in der Fruhen Neuzeit, Praxis der Naturwissenschaften 4/59 (Juni 2010) 5–10

  9. A. Borrelli, Crystallogy in the making, In: S. Zielinski, E. Furlus (eds.), Variantology 4. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies in the Arabic-Islamic World and Beyond (Cologne: Walther Konig, 2010) 53–86

  10. A. Briguglia, La matematica nella fisica alle origini della fisica moderna: Galileo, Keplero, Cartesio, Q21 La fisica nella squola, Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  11. O. Darrigol, James MacCullagh’s ether, An optical route to Maxwell’s equations ? The European Physical Journal H (35) 133-172 (2010)

  12. O. Darrigol, The analogy between light and sound in the history of optics from the ancient Greeks to Isaac Newton, Centaurus (52) 117-155; 206-257 (2010)

  13. F. Dellinger, O. Forstner, R. Golser, W. Kutschera, A. Priller, P. Steier, A. Wallner, G. Winkler, Search for a superheavy nuclide with A=292 and neutron-deficient thorium isotopes in natural thorianite, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (268) 1287-1290 (2010)

  14. W. Donnelly, T. Jacobson, Coupling the inflaton to an expanding aether, Physical Review D (82) 1–12 (2010)

  15. E. Ercolessi, La geometria fra matematica e fisica: Minkowski, Poincar?, Hilbert, Q21 La fisica nella squola, Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  16. K. Grandin, P. Jagers, S. Kullander, Nuclear Energy, Ambio, 39 (2010) 26–30

  17. E. Fabri, Matematica e fisica - un rapporto complesso, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  18. H. Inaba, Gibbs' Theory of Statistical Mechanics as a Physicochemical Theory, Journal of History of Science, Japan, pp.1-10 (2010) Japanese

  19. H. Inaba, Ostwald's Energetik: In relation to the introduction of thermodynamics to physical chemistry, PHS Studies, pp.85-103 (2010) Japanese

  20. G. Kamisheva, The roots of theoretical physics in Bulgaria. – Proceedings of the first joint European Symposium on the History of Physics, Peter Maria Schuster (Editor), Pollau Castle, Stiria, Austria, 28-29 May 2010, Living Edition Science (2010) 291-306

  21. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Ñèìïîçèóìúò “Êîðåíèòå íà ôèçèêàòà â Åâðîïà”, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (4) 435-440 (2010)

  22. Ã. Êàìèøåâà, Áúäåùåòî íà Åâðîïåéñêîòî ôèçè÷åñêî äðóæåñòâî, Ñâåòúò íà ôèçèêàòà (3) 348-349 (2010)

  23. W. Kutschera, AMS and climate change, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (268) 693-700 (2010)

  24. L. Loy, Laboratorio storico, Laboratorio storico, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  25. L. Loy, La matematica in Keplero e Galilei, Laboratorio storico, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  26. D. Monaldi, S. Linguerri ; R. Simili (Eds), Einstein parla italiano: Itinerari e polemiche, Bologna, Edizioni Pendragon, 2008, Isis, 101 (3) 665-665 (2010)

  27. J. Navarro, Electron diffraction chez Thomson. Early responses to quantum physics in Britain, British Journal for the History of Science, 43, 245-275 (2010)

  28. G. Maltese, "Sul cavallo della vera matematica": Levi-Civita, Einstein, la Relativit?, l'Italia, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  29. G. Maltese, La scoperta del neutrone e la nascita della fisica teorica nucleare, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)

  30. A. Oliveira, Archimedean Science and Scientific Revolution, Conferencia mundial sobre Arquimedes realizada na cidade de Syracusa, 8-10 Junho (2010)

  31. R. Pisano, On Principles In Sadi Carnot’s Theory (1824). Epistemological reflkections, Almagest (2/1) 128–179 (2010)

  32. R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, Reflections on Torricelli’s principle in mechanics, Organon (42) 81–98 (2010)

  33. A. Poggi, Lo sviluppo della tradizione fisica newtoniana nella meccanica razionale, La fisica nella squola, Q21 Fisica e matematica: due storie intrecciate (2010)
