European Pysical Society

Created: 26 November 2024
Updated: 30 January 2025

1873 - 1999
2000 - 2009
2010 - 2019
2020 - 2025
2000 - 2009
  1. M. Auer, D. Wagenbach, E. Wild, A. Wallner, A. Priller, H. Miller, C. Schlosser, W. Kutschera, Cosmogenic 26Al in the atmosphere and the prospect of a 26Al/10Be chronometer to date old ice, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (287) 453-462 (2009)

  2. M. Badino, The odd couple: Boltzmann, Planck and the application of statistics to physics, Annalen der Physik (18) 81–101 (2009)

  3. S. Bergia, Che cosa d? in pi? una descrizione del campo elettromagnetico in linguaggio quadridimensionale? La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  4. S. Bergia, R. Covino, Perch? Einstein non ha provato a costruire una teoria della gravitazione nel quadro della relativit? ristretta? Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  5. C. Bernardini, Il continuo e il discreto dalla filosofia greca all'Ottocento, La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  6. L. Bonolis, Da Einstein a Jordan e Dirac. La nascita dell'elettrodinamica quantistica, La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  7. A. Borrelli, The emergence of selection rules and their encounter with group theory: 1913-1927, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (40) 327–337 (2009)

  8. L. Boschiero, Translation, Experimentation and the Spring of the Air: Richard Waller's Essayes of Natural Experiments, Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 64 (1) (2009)

  9. C. Bracco, J. Provost, From Electromagnetism to Mechanics The Role of Action in Poincare's Memoire of 1905, Revue of Histoire des Sciences, 61 (2) 457-493 (2009)

  10. A. Briguglia, La nascita dell'elettromagnetismo da Oersted a Maxwell, La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  11. H. Brown, M. Wayne, J. Uffink, Boltzmann’s H-theorem, its discontents, and the birth of statistical mechanics, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (40) 174–191 (2009)

  12. B. Buonaura, Elettromagnetismo e concezioni dell'etere, La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  13. S. Carroll, T. Dulaney, M. Gresham, H. Tam, Instabilities in the aether, Physical Review D (79) 1–16 (2009)

  14. O. Darrigol, The analogy between light and sound in the history of optics from Malebranche to Thomas Young, Physis (46) 111-217 (2009)

  15. J. Henry, Physics in Edinburgh: From Napier’s Bones to Higgs’s Boson, In: J. Rigden, R. Stuewer, The Physical Tourist, A Science Guide for the Traveler, Springer (2009) 21-54

  16. G. Giuliani, L'induzione elettromagnetica da Faraday a Einstein, La fisica nella squola, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  17. K. Grandin, The rise and fall of the Berzelius Museum, Spaces and Collections in the History of Science: The Laboratorio Chimico Overture, eds. M.C. Louren?o, A. Caneiro, Lissabon (2009) 209–215

  18. K. Grandin, An extensive and laborious task: How the Nobel Laureates are chosen, The Nobel Prize Guide (2009) 11–14

  19. Th. Greenslade, Scientific Travels in the Irish Countryside, In: J. Rigden, R. Stuewer, The Physical Tourist, A Science Guide for the Traveler, Springer (2009) 7-20

  20. G. Kamisheva, Traditions and Reforms in Bulgarian Physics. Milko Borissov (1921 – 1998), CP1203 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Edited by A. Angelopoulos and T. Fildisis, AIP (2009) 1336-1341

  21. G. Kamisheva, Museum as a source for Historical Research in Physics in Bulgaria. – CP1203 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, edited by A. Angelopoulos and T. Fildisis, AIP (2009) 1342-1346

  22. Г. Камишева, Л. Спасов, 10 години от смъртта на акад. Милко Борисов, Светът на физиката (2) 212-213 (2009)

  23. S. Katzir, Hermann Aron's Electricity Meters, Physics and Invention in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 39 (4) 444–481 (2009)

  24. H. Kragh, Continual fascination: the oscillating universe in modern cosmology, Sci. Context (22) 587–612 (2009)

  25. L. Loy, Verso la quantizzazione del campo: teoria quantistica dell'emissione e dell'assorbimento della radiazione, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  26. S. Manning, C. Bronk Ramsey, W. Kutschera, T. Higham, B. Kromer, P. Steier, E. Wild, Dating the Santorini/Thera eruption by radiocarbon: further discussion (AD 2006-2007), In: S. W. Manning, M. J. Bruce, eds., Tree-rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment, Oxbow Books, Oxford (2009) pp. 299-316

  27. D. Monaldi, Particle or Wave: The Evolution of the Concept of Matter in Modern Physics, Isis, 100 (2) 373-374 (2009)

  28. D. Monaldi, A note on the prehistory of indistinguishable particles, Studies In History and Philosophy of Science, Part B, 40 (4) (2009)

  29. J. Navarro, “A dedicated missionary”. Charles Galton Darwin and the new quantum mechanics in Britain, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40, 316-326 (2009)

  30. A. Oliveira, Fernando Luiz Barboza Lobo Carneiro, artigo biografico publicado em COBEM-2009, realizado em Gramado-Rio Grande do Sul (2009)

  31. A. Oliveira, Raizes Arquimedianas da Revolucao Cientifica do Seculo XVII, SCIENTIARUM-2009, Rio de Janeiro (2009)

  32. A. Oliveira, D?Alembert and the String Vibration Problem, Workshop sobre Historia das Maquinas e Mecanismos, Gramado, Novembro (2009)

  33. B. Pippard, The Whipple Museum and Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, In: J. Rigden, R. Stuewer, The Physical Tourist, A Science Guide for the Traveler, Springer (2009) 1-5

  34. R. Pisano, Continuity and discontinuity. On method in Leonardo da Vinci’ mechanics, in Organon (41) 165–182 (2009)

  35. A. McQuillan, The discovery of surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Notes and Records, The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, Volume 63 (1) 105-109 (2009)

  36. F. Quinto, P. Steier, G. Wallner, A. Wallner, M. Srncik, M. Bichler, W. Kutschera, F. Terrasi, A. Petraglia, C. Sabbarese, The first use of 236U in the general environment and near a shut-down nuclear power plant, Appl. Rad. Isot (67) 1175-1780 (2009)

  37. J. Ron, The world after the Revolution: Physics in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century, Open Mind, BBVA, Madrid (2009)

  38. A. Russo, Correnti e linee di forza. Lo sviluppo dell'elettromagnetismo nell'800 da Oersted a Maxwell, Q19 L'evoluzione del concetto di campo dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri (2009)

  39. I. Usoskin, L. Desorgher, P. Velinov, M. Storini, E. Fluckiger, R. Butikofer, G. Kovaltsov, Ionization of the Earth’s Atmosphere by Solar and Galactic Cosmic Rays (2009)

  1. A.Borrelli, The weatherglass and its observers in the early seventeenth century, In: C. Zittel, G. Engel, N. Karafyllis, R. Nanni (eds.), Philosophies of technology: Francis Bacon and its contemporaries, vol. 1, Leiden, Brill (2008) 67-130

  2. A. Borrelli, Pneumatics and the alchemy of weather: What is wind and why does it blow? In: S. Zielinski, E. Furlus (eds.), Variantology 3. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies in China and elsewhere, Cologne, Walther Konig (2008) 27-72

  3. A. Borrelli, The media perspective in the study of scientific abstraction, In: MediaArtHistoriesArchive, re:place Presentations, issued November 2007, accessioned Januar 2008

  4. H. Inaba, Gibbs's Canonical Ensemble and Its Foundation, PHS Studies, p. 87-99 (2008) Japanese

  5. Г. Камишева, 40 Години Европейско физическо дружество, Светът на физиката (4) 451-452 (2008)

  6. Г. Камишева, Честване 110 годишнината на Физико-математическото дружество, Светът на физиката (4) 448-449 (2008)

  7. A. Kostov, Les etudiants balkaniques dans les ecoles techniques francaises, XIXe - debut du XXe siecle. Sources et historiographie, Anuarul Institutului de Istorie (47) 191-197 (2008)

  8. W. Kutschera, A homage to ECAART-9 and Florence, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (266) 2095-2098 (2008)

  9. M. Leone, N. Robott, P M S Blackett, G Occhialini and the invention of the counter-controlled cloud chamber (1931-32), Eur. J. Phys. (29) 177-189 (2008)

  10. P. Milota, I. Reiche, A. Duval, O. Forstner, H. Guicharnaud, W. Kutschera, S. Merchel, A. Priller, M. Schreiner, P. Steier, E. Thobois, A. Wallner, B. Wunschek, R. Golser, PIXE measurements of renaissance silverpoint drawings at VERA, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (266) 2279-2285 (2008)

  11. D. Monaldi, The Indirect Observation of the Decay of Mesotrons: Italian Experiments on Cosmic Radiation, 1937–1943, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 38(3) (2008)

  12. J. Navarro Loidi, J. Palet, The introduction of logarithms into Spain, Historia Mathematica, 35 (2008) 83-101

  13. E. Nicolaidis, E. Poulle, Les astronomes parisiens au XIVe siecle et l’astronomie alphonsine, in Histoire litteraire de la France, t. 43, fasc. 1 (Paris, Academie des inscriprions et belles lettres (2005), 2-54, Revue d’histoire des sciences, t. 61-1 (2008), p. 225-227

  14. A. Oliveira, Some Origins of TMM Arisen from Pseudo-Aristotle and Hero of Alexandria, International Symposium on HMM, Taiwan, China, Novembro (2008)

  15. J. Reid, James Clerk Maxwell's Scottish Chair, Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 366, No. 1871 (2008) pp. 1661-1684

  16. D. Speiser, Discovering the Principles of Mechanics 1600-1800, Birkh?user (2008)

  17. C. Vockenhuber, M. Bichler, A. Wallner, W. Kutschera, I. Dillmann, F. Kappeler, Measurement of the thermal neutron capture cross section and the resonance integral of radioactive 182Hf, Phys. Rev. C (77) 044608 (2008)

  1. A. Borrelli, Force and its measure, In: MediaArtHistoriesArchive, re:place Background Texts, issued October 2007

  2. T. Cao, Will Einstein Still be the Super-Hero of Physics History in 2050? in Positioning the History of Science (2007)

  3. C. Eling, T. Jacobson, Neutron stars in einstein-aether theory, Physical Review D (76) 1–9 (2007)

  4. R. Golser, H. Gnaser, W. Kutschera, A. Priller, P. Steier, A. Wallner, Exotic negative molecules in AMS, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (259) 71-75 (2007)

  5. B. Jaselskis, C. Moore, A. von Smolinsk, Theodor von Grotthuss (1785-1822) - a trail brazer, Bulletin History of Chemistry, 32 (2) 119-128 (2007)

  6. Г. Камишева, Изложба за академик Георги Наджаков. – Някои съвременни направления в развитието на физиката, Ученическа научна сесия, ИФТТ, София (2007) 9-11

  7. H. Kragh, D. Lambert, The context of discovery: Lema?tre and the origin of the primeval-atom hypothesis. Annals of Science (64) 445–470 (2007)

  8. J. Navarro-Loidi, J. Llombart, The introduction of logarithms into Spain, Historia Mathematica (35) 83–101 (2008)

  9. A. Oliveira, Euler's Contribution to Classical Mechanics, XII IFToMM World Congress, Besancon, Junho (2007)

  10. R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, La teoria dei baricentri di Torricelli come fondamento della statica, Physis – Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza, XLIV (1) 1–29 (2007)

  11. R. Pisano, A. Drago, La novit? del rapporto fisica–matematica nelle R?flexions di Sadi Carnot, Fondazione Ronchi, LXII (4) 497–525 (2007)

  12. E. Wild, S. Guillen, W. Kutschera, H. Seidler, P. Steier, Radiocarbon dating of the Peruvian Chachapoya/Inca site at the Laguna de los Condores, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B (259) 378-383 (2007)

  13. G. Wolfschmidt, W, Engels, Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) and the Development of Communication, Proceedings of the International Symposium in Hamburg, 8-12 October 2007, Nuncius Hamburgensis (Bd. 10)

  1. C. Artemy, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006)

  2. M. Badino, The foundational role of ergodic theory, Foundations of Science (11) 323–347 (2006)

  3. B. Bischof, Women in physics in Vienna, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 517

  4. A. Bonetti, M. Mazzoni, The Arcetri School of Physics, The Scientific Legacy of Beppo Occhialini, Societ`a Italiana di Fisica (2006) 3-34

  5. A. Borrelli, The flat sphere, In: S. Zielinski, D. Link (eds.), Variantology 2. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies (Cologne: Walther Konig, 2006) 145-166

  6. C. Eling, Energy in the einstein-aether theory, Physical Review D (73) 1–10 (2006)

  7. G. Kamisheva, Bulgarian Mathematical Culture in XIX century. – History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Newsletter (61), 16-20 (2006)

  8. G. Kamisheva, Bulgarian physical and mathematical culture in 19 century. – Proceedings of Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU6), Istanbul, 2006, AIP Conference Proceedings, No 899 (2007) 521-522

  9. Г. Камишева, А. Г. Петров, Въведение. – Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, ИФТТ, София (2006) с. 1

  10. Г. Камишева, Извори за Георги Наджаков в Музея по история на физическите науки в България. – Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, ИФТТ, София (2006) 139-143

  11. Г. Камишева, Теоретични изследвания в областта на физическите науки в България през първата половина на 20 век. – Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, ИФТТ, София, (2006) 101-110

  12. Г. Камишева, Наукометрични данни за научноизследователската дейност на Милко Борисов (1921–1998), Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, ИФТТ, София, (2006) 41-47

  13. Г. Камишева, Основоположници на експерименталната физика в Българската академия на науките, Balkan Conference of Young Scientists, СУБ, Пловдив, т. 5 (2006) 382-388

  14. Г. Камишева, Основоположници на теоретичната физика в Българската академия на науките, Balkan Conference of Young Scientists 2005, СУБ, Пловдив, т. 5 (2006) 376-381

  15. К. Коленцов, Г. Камишева, Успешен бизнес в областта на приложната физика в България (за П. Стефанов). – Разпространение и развитие на физико-математическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, ИФТТ, София (2006) 168-170

  16. E. Knobloch, Alexander von Humboldt: The explorer and the scientist, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 38-48

  17. H. Kragh, The internationalization of physical cosmology, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 487

  18. S. Manning, C. Bronk Ramsay, W. Kutschera, T. Higham, B. Kromer, P. Steier, E. Wild, Chronology for the Aegean Late Bronze Age 1700-1400 B.C., Science (312) 565-569 (2006)

  19. G. Mateos, J. Navarro, The uses of neutrinos: a historical perspective, European Journal of Physics, 27, 1257-1264 (2006)

  20. J. Navarro, Early Attempts to Detect the Neutrino at the Cavendish Laboratory, Physics in Perspective, 8, 64-82 (2006)

  21. J. Navarro, Imperial incursions in late-Victorian Cambridge: J.J. Thomson and the domains of the Physical Sciences, History of Science, 44, 469-495 (2006)

  22. J. Navarro, The reception of the De Broglie principle in England, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 489

  23. A. Oliveira, A History of the Principle of Virtual Works, IFToMM Workshops Lectures, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Setembro (2006)

  24. A. Oliveira, A Evolucao do Conceito Fisico de Trabalho no Contexto das Maquinas, Tese de doutorado defendida no Programa de Historia da Ciencia da Tecnica e Epistemologia em Novembro (2006)

  25. C. Olivotto, A. Testa, Galileo at the cinema, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 178-181

  26. W. Savchuk, The naturalist I. Puluj and discovery of the X-rays, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 233-241

  27. J. Sebesta, Triangle collaboration, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 503

  28. O. Shcherbak, L.I. Kordysch and the development of theoretical physics in the first part of the 20th century in the Ukraine: All-European context, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 248-251

  29. B. Sredniawa, Scientific and personal contacts of Polish physicists with Albert Einstein, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 252-269

  30. P. Steier, R. Drosg, M. Fedi, W. Kutschera, M. Schock, D. Wagenbach, E. Wild, Radiocarbon determination of particulate organic carbon in non-temperated, alpine glacier ice, Radiocarbon, 48(1) 69-82 (2006)

  31. J. Wlodarczyk, Astronomical observations in the time of Copernicus: Tradition and novelty, The Global and the Local. The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Michal Kokowski (ed.), Cracow, Poland (6-September 2006) p. 297-298

  1. J. Anderson, Difficult to Document: The History of Physics and Allied Fields in Industrial and Government Labs, Journal of Archival Organization, 3 (1) 7-21 (2005)

  2. M. Barnes, J. Garner, D. Reid, The Pendulum as a Vehicle for Transitioning from Classical to Quantum Physics: History, Quantum Concepts, and Educational Challenges, in The Pendulum (2005)

  3. S. Bergia, La teoria relativistica dell'elettrone, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  4. S. Bergia, I primi passi dell'elettrodinamica quantistica, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  5. C. Bernardini, Gli operatori di creazione e distruzione, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  6. L. Bonolis, Pauli, Fermi e i misteri del decadimento beta, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  7. L. Bonolis, Pauli, L'avvento della teoria dei gruppi nella fisica del Novecento, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  8. A. Borrelli, Mathematical notation as a philosophical instrument, In: S. Zielinski. S. Wagnermaier (eds.), Variantology 1. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies (Cologne: Walther Konig, 2005) 279-296

  9. M. Campisi, On the mechanical foundation of thermodynamics: The generalized Helmholtz theorem, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (36) 275–290 ( 2005)

  10. E. Fabri, Nascita e sviluppo dell'idea di fotone, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  11. R. Golser, H.Gnaser, W. Kutschera, A. Priller, P. Steier, A. Wallner, M. Cizek, J. Horacek, W. Domcke, Experimental and Theoretical evidence for Long-Lived Molecular Hydrogen Anions H2? and D2, ?Phys. Rev. Lett. (94) 223003 (2005)

  12. P. Holmberg, H. Nevanlinna, Geomagnetism in Finland: the lasting legacy of Johan Jakob Nervander, Europhysics News, 36(3) 82-85 (2005)

  13. G. Kamisheva, Lectures in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at the University of Sofia by Professor Georgi Ivanoff Maneff (1921 – 1944). – Prof. G. Manev’s Legacy in Contemporary Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics (2004), Edited by V. Gerdjikov and M. Tsvetkov, Heron Press, Sofia (2005) 45-53

  14. Г. Камишева, Особености в обучението по физика при създаването на Централното Епархийско училище в Пловдив, Развитие и разпространение на физическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, Унив. изд., Пловдив (2005) 79-82

  15. Г. Камишева, Кратка научна биография на професор Георги Иванов Манев (15.01.1884–15.07.1965), Развитие и разпространение на физическите знания в България, Научен симпозиум, Унив. изд., Пловдив (2005) 38-44

  16. Г. Камишева, Постиженията на физическите науки в БАН, Светът на физиката (3) 314-323 (2005)

  17. W. Kutschera, Progress in isotope analysis at ultra-trace level by AMS, Int. J. Mass Spectrom (242) 145-160 (2005)

  18. K. Liu, B. Han, Z. Guo, X. Wu, S. Yuan, W. Kutschera, H. Ma, A. Priller, P. Steier, E. Wild, C. Zhao, AMS radiocarbon dating of bone samples from the Xinzhai site in China, Radiocarbon, 47(1) 21-25 (2005)

  19. L. Loy, I lavori di gruppo delle scuole di Storia della Fisica 2003 e 2004, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  20. D. Monaldi, Life of µ: The Observation of the Spontaneous decay of Mesotrons and its Consequences, 1938–1947, Annals of Science, 62(4) 419-455 (2005)

  21. J. Navarro, J.J. Thomson on the nature of matter: corpuscles and the continuum, Centaurus, 47, 259-282 (2005)

  22. J. Navarro, More than two faces of common sense, Acta Philosophica, 14 (2), 287-297 (2005)

  23. A. Oliveira, Challengesto Technological Education in History, Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecanica, COBEM 2005, Ouro Preto, M. G., Novembro (2005)

  24. A. Oliveira, A Importancia Historica do Conceito Fisico de Trabalho para o Estudo das Maquinas”, X Seminario Nacional de Historia da Ciencia e da Tecnologia, B. H., MG, Outubro (2005)

  25. A. Russo, La scoperta delle onde di materia, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  26. A. Russo, I raggi cosmici e la scoperta di nuove particelle, Q17 Le scuole di Storia della Fisica (2005)

  27. D. Shcheglov, Hipparchus on the Latitude of Southern India, Greek, Roman, and Bizantine Studies (45) 359-380 (2005)

  28. M. Tsvetkov, Georgi Ivanov Manev (1884-1965) a brief biography, – In: Prof. G. Manev’s legacy in contemporary astronomy, theoretical and gravitational physics, Edited by V. Gerdjikov and M. Tsvetkov, Sofia, Heron press Science series (2005) p. 12-13

  29. M. Tsvetkov, The correspondence between G. Manev and A. Einstein, – In: Prof. G. Manev’s legacy in contemporary astronomy, theoretical and gravitational physics, Edited by V. Gerdjikov and M. Tsvetkov, Sofia, Heron press Science series (2005) p. 19-30

  30. E. Wild, M. Teschler-Nicola, W. Kutschera, P. Steier, E. Trinkhaus, W. Wanek, Direct dating of Early Upper Palaeolithic human remains from Mladec, Nature (435) 332-335 (2005)

  1. J. Bekenstein, Relativistic gravitation theory for the modified newtonian dynamics paradigm, Physical Review D (70)1–28 (2004)

  2. S. Carroll, E. Lim, Lorentz-violating vector fields slow the universe down, Physical Review D (70) 1–15 (2004)

  3. P. Collon, W. Kutschera, Z.-T. Lu, Tracing noble gas radionuclides in the environment, Annual Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. (54) 39-67 (2004)

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