European Pysical Society
  1. Antimatter

  2. Eurydice

  3. European School Net

  4. European Higher Education Area

  5. A brief history of the universal microscope

  6. Histoire de la SFP en images, Societe Francaise de Physique

  1. Wilberforce Pendulum (0:59) Dr. Dominic Dickson

  2. The Pendulum (16:30) Prof. Michael Matthews

  3. Pendulum Swings: Models and Metaphors (54:42) Arthur Eisenkraft

  4. Prof Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell lecture (1:14:05)

  1. A. Bagdonas, J. Zanetic, I. Gurgel, Controversias sobre a natureza da ciencia como enfoque curricular para o ensino de fisica: o ensino de historia da cosmologia por meio de um jogo didatico, Revista Brasileira de Historica da Ciencia, 7(2) 242-260 (2014)

  2. T. Forato, I. de Lima, G. Ferreira, History of Physics and Socio-Scientific Issues: Approaching Gender and Social Justice, Chapter in: The International Handbook of Physics Education Research: Special Topics (2023)

  3. I. Galili, Towards a Refined Depiction of Nature of Science: Applications to Physics Education, Science & Education, 1-35 (2019)

  4. L. Hansson, A. Arvidsson, P. Heering, A-M. Pendrill, Rutherford visits middle school: a case study on how teachers direct attention to the nature of science through a storytelling approach, Physics Education, 54(4) 1-12 (2019)

  5. C. Jensen, Charles Darwin (1809-1882) and electric fishes: history and nature of science in science education of Youth and Adults, PhD Theses in Biology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (2016)

  6. D. Pushcharovsky, I. Dmitry, Mendeleev and his time, Substantia, 3(1), 119-129 (2019)

  7. M. Rinaudo, M. Leone, History of physics as a heuristic device to anticipate students’ ideas: the case of electrostatics, Physics Education, 59 (1) 015019 (2023)

  8. M. van Strien, Pluralism and anarchism in quantum physics: Paul Feyerabend’s writings on quantum physics in relation to his general philosophy of science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 1-10 (2019)

  9. The first ascent of Mont Blanc, Brown and de Beer, 1957

  10. The life of Horace Benedict de Saussure, Freshfield, 1920 (

  1. European Electron Induction Accelerators, B.I.O.S. Miscellaneous Report, Nr. 77 (1945)

  2. D. Kerst, Physics Review, 59, p. 110 (1941)

  3. D. Kerst, The Acceleration of Electrons by Magnetic Induction, Physics Review, 60, p. 47-53 (1941)

  4. D. Kerst, Physics Review, 58, p. 841 (1940)

  5. L. Bragg, The Crystalline State, A General Survey (1933)

  6. A. Einstein, Printed Pamphlet Accompanying The Rhodes Lectures, Oxford (1931)

  7. R.Wideroe, Uber ein neues Prinzip zur Herstellung hoher Spannungen, Archiv fur Elektrotechnik, 21(4) 387–406 (17.12.1928)

  8. R. Wideroe, Dissertation Technik Hochshule Aachen (1927)

  9. E. Rutherford, Letter to Hevesy, Niels Born Archive, Copenhagen, 25 June 1919

  10. G. Bell, X-rays and Crystal Structure (1915)

  11. W. L. Bragg, The Analysis of Crystals in the X-ray Spectrometer, Proc. Roy. Soc. (A89) 468-489 (1914)

  12. W. H. Bragg, The X-ray Spectra given by Crystals of Sulphur and Quartz, Proc. Roy. Soc. (A89) 575-580 (1914)

  13. W. L. Bragg, The Crystalline Structure of Copper, Phil. Mag. Series 6(28) 355-360 (1914)

  14. W. H. Bragg, W. L. Bragg, The Reflection of X-rays by Crystals, I. Proc. Roy. Society (A88) 424-438 (1913)

  15. W. L. Bragg, The Structure of some Crystals as Indicated by their Diffraction of X-rays, Proc. Roy. Soc. (A89) 248-277 (1913)

  16. W. L. Bragg, W.,H. Bragg, The Structure of the Diamond. Proc. Roy. Soc. (A89) 277-291 (1913)

  17. G. Hevesy, The electrochemistry of radioactive bodies, Philosophical Magasine (23) 628 (1912)

  18. E. Rutherford, The scatering of alpha and betta particles by matter and the structure of the atom, Philosophical Magasine, 6(21) 669-688 (1911)

  19. H. Geiger, E. Marsden, On a diffuse reflection of the alpha particles, Proceedings Royal Society, 82A, 495-500 (1909)

  20. G. Hevesy, Uber die schmelzelectrolytische abscheidung der alkalimetalle aus atzalkalien und die loslichkeit dieser metalle in de schmelze, Dissertation, Freiburg (1908)

  21. S. Arrhenius, Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik, Hirzel, Leipzig (1903)

  22. G. Liveing, J. Dewar, Investigations on the spectrum of magnesium, Royal Society manuscript, p. 1-18 (1988)

  23. J. Dewar, G. Liveing, General observations on the spectra of carbon and its compounds, Royal Society manuscript, p. 1-12 (1882)

  24. C. I. Giulio Elementi di Cinematica Applicata Alle Arti, Torino, 1854

  25. Il Cimento Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale, Anno IV, Pisa, 1846

  26. Il Cimento Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale, [Volum 2], Pisa, 1845

  27. Il Cimento Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale, [Volum 1], Pisa, 1844

  28. Herschell, John Frederick William On the Absorption of Light by Coloured Media, viewed in connecxion with the Undulatory Theory, London, 1833

  29. Herschell, John Frederick William On the Astronomical Causes which may influence Geological Phenomena, London, 1832

  30. Jean Baptiste Joseph DelambreHistoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne, Tome Second, Paris, 1817

  31. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Litterature at Beaux-Arts de Turin, pour les annees 1811 – 1812, Sciences Physiques and Mathematiques, [Vol. 4], Turin, MDCCCXIII [1813]

  32. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Litterature at Beaux-Arts de Turin, pour les annees 1809 – 1810, Sciences Physiques and Mathematiques, [Vol. 3], Turin, MDCCCXI [1811]

  33. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Litterature at Beaux-Arts de Turin, pour les annees 1805 – 1808, Sciences Physiques and Mathematiques, [Vol. 2], Turin, MDCCCIX [1809]

  34. Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, Litterature at Beaux-Arts de Turin, pour les annees XII at XIII, Sciences Physiques and Mathematiques, Turin, 1805

  35. Deluc, Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphere, v. 1 – v. 4 (1784)

  36. Saussure, Essais sur l'hygrome?trie, 1783

  37. Petrus van Musschenbroekio, Introductio ad Philosophiam Naturalem, Tomus Primus, MDCCLXVIII [1768]

  38. Petrus van Musschenbroekio, Introductio ad Philosophiam Naturalem, Tomus Secundus, MDCCLXVIII [1768]

  39. Edme Mariotte Oeuvres de M. Mariotte Nouvelle Edition, Tome Premier, MDCCXL [1740]

  40. I. Newton, A Treatise of the System of the World (1728)

  41. Francos Hauksbee, Esperienze Fisico-Meccaniche Sopra Varj Soggetti, MDCCXVI [1716]

  42. Robert Dudley, Arcano del mare (1661)

  43. Philippe Danfrie, Declaration de l'usage du graphometre, Paris (1597)

  44. Latino Orsini, Trattato del Radio Latino, Rome (1583, 1586)

  45. Vanoccio Biringuccio, De la pirotechnia (1540)

  46. Niccolo Tartaglia, La nova scientia (1537)

  47. Apianus, Instrumentum sinuum sive primi mobilis (1534)

  48. Aristotle, The Categories

  1. Abrikosov, Alexei Alekseevich (25.06.1928–29.03.2017)

  2. Amaldi, Edoardo (05.09.1908–05.12.1989)

  3. Anderson, Philip Warren (13.12.1923–29.03.2020)

  4. Arons, Arnold B. (1916–28.02.2001)

  5. Bennett, Jim (02.04.1947 - 28.10.2023)

  6. Bonhomme, Gerard (16.04.1953–15.07.2023)

  7. Marie Curie and Science of Radioactivity, American Institute of Physics, History of Science Web Exhibits

  8. Einstein, Albert, American Institute of Physics, History of Science Web Exhibits

  9. Heisenberg, Werner (1901–1976), American Institute of Physics, History of Science Web Exhibits

  10. Holmberg, Peter (?–23.05.2018) Helsinki, Finland (medical physicist, history of physics)

  11. Gatto, Raoul (08.12.1930–30.09.2017)

  12. Grotthuss, Theodor von (1785-1822)

  13. Jung, Walter Robert (06.02.1926–29.05.2011)

  14. Keller, Evelyn Fox (20.03.1936–22.09.2023), American physicist

  15. Ledoux, Paul (1914–1988), Liege, Belgium (astrophysicist)

  16. Ernan McMullin, O’Hara, John Cardinal (1924–08.02.2011)

  17. Mossbauer, Rudolf (31.01.1929-14.09.2011)

  18. Muller, Karl Alex (20.04.1027–09.01.2023)

  19. Plateau, Joseph (1801–1883), Liege, Belgium

  20. Racah, Giulio (1909-1965), Hebrew University, Jerusalem

  21. Rutherford, Ernest, American Institute of Physics, History of Science Web Exhibits

  22. Rosenfeld, Leon (14.08.1904–23.03.1974), Liege, Belgium

  23. Schuster, Peter Maria (1939–2019), Austria (physicist, history of physics)

  24. Swings, Pol (1906–1983), Liege, Belgium (astrophysicist)

  25. Wolfendale, Sir Arnold (1927–21.12.2020)

Created: 15 October 2017
Updated: 13 March 2024