History of Physics
It’s About Time: A Brief History of the Calendar and Timekeeping, Christmas Lecture about history of our calendar and time measurement from ancient sundials to modern atomic clocks by Dr Donna Carroll, Institute of Physics, London, UK, 19 December 2017
Emmy Noether distinction has been celebrated by the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy on 1st December 2017
Marie Curie’s 150th birthday celebration at the Institut Curie (Paris) as an EPS Historic Site, and a new exhibition at the Curie Museum has been inaugurated, 7 November 2017
Humphry Davy: Laughing gas, literature and the lamp is a gratis MOOC online course, produced by Lancaster University and the Royal Institution of Great Britain. It starts 30 October 2017 and runs four weeks with three hours per week.
History of Physics Session,
Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and Austrian Physical Society, Geneva, 21–25 August 2017
Rutherford‘s Chemists, Two day meeting, Glasgow, June/July 2017
Universeum meeting, Belgrade, Serbia, 8–10 June 2017
175 Years of the Christian Doppler-Effect, Salzburg, Austria, 1–3 June 2017
History of Particle Colliders, Bristol, 19 April 2017 (9:30–16:45)
History of Science
25th ICHST
Science, Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Local,
International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23–29 July 2017
Beyond Nature in Science and Literature, 2nd International Workshop in the Framework of HERMOUPOLIS SEMINARS, Syros Island, Greece, 5–8 July 2017. Languages: English, Greek, French, and German. If somebody would like to participate in the workshop with a presentation an abstract of 200 words must be send to gvlahakis@yahoo.com Deadline 31 May 2017
British Society for Literature and Science Annual Conference, University of Bristol, UK, 6–8 April 2017
Biodiversity and its Histories, Cambridge, England, 24–25 March 2017
Modern Science and Orthodox Tradition. An uneasy relationship, First International Conference, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vassileos Konstantinou Ave, Athens Greece, 24–25 February 2017
AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, 16–20 February 2017