Created: 5 October 2016
Updated: 10 December 2024
J. Baggott, J. Heilbron, Quantum Drama: From the Bohr-Einstein Debate to the Riddle of Entanglement, Oxford University Press (2024)
D. Banabic, History of Romanian Technology and Industry, Volume 1: Mechanics, Processing Techniques and Construction, Volume 2, Electrical Engineering, Energetics, Transport and Technology Education, book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 44-45 (2024)
C. Bracco, When Albert became Einstein, Sciences et Histoire, EDP (2017, 2024)
R. Coelho, What Is Energy? An Answer Based on the Evolution of a Concept, History of Physics Book Series, Springer (2024)
L. Gianfrancesco, N, Tarrant (Eds), The Science of Naples Making knowledge in Italy’s pre-eminent city 1500-1800 (2024)
J. Ginoux, Poincarй, Einstein and the Discovery of Special Relativity, An End to the Controversy, History of Physics Book Series, Springer (2024)
T. Koetsier, A History of Kinematics from Zeno to Einstein, On the Role of Motion in the Development of Mathematics, book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 46 (2024)
H. Kragh, The Names of Science: Terminology and Language in the History of the Natural Sciences, Oxford University Press, USA (2024) 352 p
S. Linguerri, R. Simili, Albert Einstein - Italian Memories, The Bologna Lectures and Other Events, History of Physics Book Series, Springer (2024)
T. Moser, E. Robinson, Walking with Christiaan Huygens, 'From Archimedes' Influence to Unsung Contributions in Modern Science, History of Physics Book Series, Springer (2024)
R. Pisano, J. Dhombres, P. Radelet de Grave, P. Bussotti, Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024, Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights, Springer (2024)
R. Pisano (ed), A History of Physics, Phenomena, Ideas and Mechanisms, Essays in Honor of Salvo D'Agostino, book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 42, Springer (2024)
J. Tijmen, A. Enders, Walking with Christiaan Huygens, From Archimedes' Influence to Unsung Contributions in Modern Science, Springer (2024)
G. Botteri, R. Casazza, The Astronomical System of Aristotle, Leiden, The Netherlands (2023)
F. Evangelisti, The Concept of Matter, A Journey from Antiquity to Quantum Physics, Springer (2023)
E. Gillin, The instruments of expeditionary science and the reworking of nineteenth-century magnetic experiment, Royal Society (2023)
J. Harmon, A. Gross, The Many Voices of Modern Physics: Written Communication Practices of Key Discoveries, Pittsburg, University Press (2023)
D. Hoffmann (Ed), Operation Epsilon : die Farm-Hall-Protokolle : erstmals vollstдndig, ergдnzt um zeitgenцssische Briefe und weitere Dokumente der 1945 in England internierten deutschen Atomforscher, Diepholz, Berlin (2023)
J. Holmes, C. Gamez-Perez (Guest Editors), Interfaces, Studies in Science and Literature, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Volume 48, Issue 3 (2023)
L. Lam, Introduction to Histophysics: Physics of History, San Jose University (2023)
R. Lуpez-Garcнa, M. Ceccarelli, Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America, book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 43 (2023)
R. Pisano, J. Dhombres, P. Radelet de Grave, P. Bussotti, Homage to Evangelista Torricelli’s Opera Geometrica 1644–2024. Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights, Springer (2023)
R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, Newton Geneva Edition International Symposium Newton and Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ([1739-1742] 1822), 22-23 September 2023, University of Oxford, UK
I. Stengers, Virgin Mary and the Neutrino: Reality in Trouble, Durham, Duke University Press (2023)
L. Veguillas, The Lesser-Known Albert Einstein, Without a Trace of Relativity, Springer (2023)
G. Vlahakis, Ch. Harry, A. Loukaki, A. Wilks, M. Roman, R. Hagengruber, E. Lampropoulou, N. Fernandez, J. Muller, I. Day, A. Reichenberger, E. Chordaki, Exploring the Contributions of Women in the History of Philosophy, Science, and Literature, Throughout Time, Springer (2023)
A. De Witt, K. Sheppard, K. (Eds.), The Correspondence of John Tyndall, March 1871-May 1872 (Volume 12) Pittsburg, University Press (2023)
A. Assis, Traducao Comentada das Principais Obras de Coulomb sobre Eletricidade e Magnetismo, Apeiron, Montreal (2022)
M. Beretta, P. Bernni, The Arsenal of EighteenthCentury Chemistry: The Laboratories of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794), Brill Publishers (2022)
M. Ceccarelli, R. Lуpez-Garcia (eds), Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms, proceedings, 7th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, Book Series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 40 (2922)
O. Darrigol, Relativity principles and theories from Gaileo to Einstein, Oxford University Press (2022).
M. Eckert, Turbulence—an Odyssey, Origins and Evolution of a Research Field at the Interface of Science and Engineering, Springer (2022)
L. Gariboldi, L. Bonolis, A. Testa, The Milan Institute of Physics, A Research Institute from Fascism to the Reconstruction, Springer (2022)
M. D. Gordin, Einstein in Bohemia, Princeton, New Jersy, Princeton University Press (2022)
S. Kampouridis, A. Simoes, T, Arabatzis, Quantum Chemistry in Historical Perspective, In: Philosophical Perspectives in Quantum Chemistry (2022)
C. Luthy, E. Nicoli (Eds.) Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance, Leiden: Brill (2022)
D. Musielak, Leonhard Euler and the Foundations of Celestial Mechanics, Springer (2022)
V. Trimble, D. Weintraub (eds), The Sky Is for Everyone Women Astronomers in Their Own Words, Princeton University Press (2022)
M. Adamson, R. Lally, Global Perspectives on Science Diplomacy, Centaurus Special Issue 63(1) p. 231 (2021)
A. De Angelis, Galileo Galilei’s “Two New Sciences” for Modern Readers, Springer (2021)
M. Chaichian, H. Perez Rojas, A. Tureanu, Basic Concepts in Physics, Springer (2021)
J. Heilbron, The Ghost of Galileo: In a forgotten painting from the English Civil War. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press (2021)
C. Helrich, The Quantum Theory - Origins and Ideas, A Historical Primer for Physics Students, Springer (2021)
D. Hoffmann, J. Kaasch, M. Kaasch (Eds), Vortrage und Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Halle, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (2021)
B. Hunt, Imperial Science: Cable Telegraphy and Electrical Physics in the Victorian British Empire, Cambridge University Press (2021)
H. Gupta, Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics (1989, 2011, 2021)
B. Jacrot, Neutrons for Science (2021)
H. Kragh, Between the Earth and the Heavens: Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. (2021) 396 p.
H. Kragh, The pope of condensed matter physics, A Mind Over Matter: Philip Anderson and the Physics of the Very Many. Zangwill, A. (red.). Oxford University Press, 4 s. (Metascience) (2021)
J. Mitton, S. Mitton, Vera Rubin, a Life, Harvard University Press (2021)
S. Mitton, From Crust to Core, a Chronicle of Deep Carbon Science, Cambridge University Press (2021)
Jose-Philippe Perez, La pensee en physique (2021)
R. Pisano, J. Coopersmith, M. Peacke, Essay on Machines in General (1786), Text, Translations and Commentaries, Lazare Carnot's Mechanics, Vol. 1. Springer (2021)
R. Pisano, J. Coopersmith, M. Peake, Lazare Carnot’s Manuscripts and Documents (2021)
B. Reed, The physics of the Manhattan Project, New York, Springer, Nature Switzerland AG (2021)
T. Shioyama, Newton, Faraday, Einstein, From Classical Physics to Modern Physics (2021) 188 p.
Ch. Talbot, O. Pattison, Boris Hessen: Physics and Philosophy in the Soviet Union, 1927–1931, Neglected Debates on Emergence and Reduction, Springer (2021)
A. Zangwill, A Mind Over Matter: Philip Anderson and the Physics of the Very Many, Oxford University Press (2021)
J. Audouze, M. Menu, C. Subran,
A. Blum, R. Lally, J. Renn, The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context, Birkhouser (2020) p. 406
E. Delli, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Cosmogonie, cosmologie, hexaйmйron, Almagest, 11-1, May (2020)
H. Goenner, G. Castagnetti, Establishing Quantum Physics in Berlin, Springer (2020)
C. Forstner, M. Walker (Eds), Biographies in the History of Physics, Springer (2020)
D. Hoffmann, Gustav Magnus und sein Haus, Diepholz, Berlin (2020)
J. Lequeux,
Hippolyte Fizeau Physicist of the light (2020)
J. Mussell, G. Gooday (Eds), A Pioneer of Connection: Recovering the Life and Work of Oliver Lodge,
University of Pittsburgh Press (2020)
J. Ovalle, R. Casadio, Beyond Einstein Gravity. The Minimal Geometric Deformation Approach in the Brane-World, Springer (2020)
P. Peebles, Cosmology’s century: An inside history of our modern understanding of the universe, Princeton University Press (2020)
EPS Historic Sites (2019)
A. Blum, Heisenberg’s 1958 Weltformel and the roots of post-empirical physics, Springer (2019)
D. Bonneau, Mieux voir les etoiles (2019)
R. Calinger, K. Denisova, E. Polyakhova, Leonhard Euler's Letters to a German Princess, A milestone in the history of physics textbooks and more, Morgan and Claypool Publishers (2019)
D. Channell, The Rise of Engineering Science, How Technology Became Scientific, Book Series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science (2019)
E. Eklund, Secularity and Science (2019)
M. Finocchiaro, Galileo’s Legacy: Avoiding the Myths and Muddles (2019)
J. Heilbron, Niels Bohr: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press (2019)
D. Kennefick, The Problem of Scientific Bias: The 1919 Astronomical Confirmation of Einstein’s Theory (2019)
H. Kragh, M. Longair (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Modern Cosmology. Oxford University Press (2019)
R. Iliffe, Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton, Oxford (2019)
D. Kennefick, No Shadow of a Doubt, Princeton University Press (2019)
P. van der Kruit, Jan Hendrik Oort: Master of the Galactic System, Springer (2019)
F. Lambert, F. Berends, Vous avez dit: sabbat de sorciиres? (2019)
J. Marra, Hot Carbon: Carbon-14 and a Revolution in Science, New York, Columbia University Press. (2019)
L. Sykes, Plate Tectonics and Great Earthquakes: 50 Years of Earth-Shaking Events, New York, NY: Columbia University Press (2019)
J. Ungureanu, Science, Religion, and the Protestant Tradition University of Pittsburgh Press (2019)
G. Angilella, Many-body approaches at different scales: a tribute to Norman H. March on the occasion of his 90th birthday, Springer (2018)
A. Assis, The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity, vol. 2, Apeiron, Montreal (2018)
J. Baars, H. Karcher, Radio Telescope Reflectors, Historical Development of Design and Construction, Springer (2018)
K. Boer, U. Pohl, Semiconductor Physics, Springer (2018)
A. Blum, R. Lalli, J. Renn, Gravitational waves and the long relativity revolution. Nature Astronomy, 2(7) 534-543 (2018)
O. Darrigol, Atoms, Mechanics, and Probability. Ludwig Boltzmann's Statistico-Mechanical Writings – An Exegesis, Oxford University Press (2018)
H. Gaab, P. Leich (Eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Springer (2018)
D. Cahan, Helmholtz, Chicago (2018)
H. Ekerholm, K. Grandin, Ch. Nordlund. P. Schell (eds), Understanding Field Science Institutions, Sagamore Beach, MA (2018)
G. Erdmann, Raum, Gott, Gravitation, Verlag (2018)
Y. Frumer, Making Time, Astronomical time measurement in Tokugawa Japan, Chicago (2018)
F. Guerra, N. Robotti, The Lost Notebook of Enrico Fermi: The True Story of the Discovery of Neutron-Induced Radioactivity, Springer (2018)
N. Guicciardini, Isaac Newton and Natural Phylosophy, Chicago (2018)
J. Heilbron, The History of Physics: A very short introduction, Oxford University Press (2018)
K. Hentschel, Photons: The history and mental models of light quanta, Cham, Springer (2018)
J. Karnfelt, K. Grandin, S. Julich (eds.), Knowledge in Motion: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Making of Modern Society, Stockholm (2018)
H. Kragh, Ludvig Lorenz: A Nineteenth-Century Theoretical Physicist, Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (2018)
D. Martinovic, D. Cucic, Scientist, Professor, Inventor and Patriot [about Mihajlo Pupin], Global Media Publishing (2018)
R. Meer, Der transzendentale Grundsatz der Vernunft. Funktion und Struktur des Anhangs zur Transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft (2018)
J. Navarro, Ether and Modernity, Oxford University Press (2018)
E. Nicolaidis (ed.), Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, De diversis artibus 66, collection de travaux de l'Acadйmie internationale d'histoire des sciences, Turnhout, Brepols (2018)
C. O Raifeartaigh, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, History of Science in Schools (2018)
L. Reinders, The Life, Science and Times of Lev Vasilevich Shubnikov Pioneer of Soviet Cryogenics, Springer (2018)
B. Souchard, L'energie d'Aristote а Einstein (2018)
J. Baggott, Mass. The quest to understand matter from Greek atoms to quantum fields, Oxford University Press (2017)
J. Bennett, Navigation: a very short introduction, Oxford University Press (2017)
C. Bracco, Quand Albert devient Einstein, CNRS (2017, 2024)
S. Esposito, Ettore Majorana Unveiled Genius and Endless Mysteries, Springer (2017)
P. Fara, A Lab of One's Own: Science and Suffrage in the First World War, Oxford University Press (2017)
B. Friedrich, D. Hoffmann, J. Renn, F. Schmaltz, M. Wolf (Eds.), One hundred years of chemical warfare: research, deployment, consequences, Springer International Publishing, Heidelberg (2017)
Italian Physical Society 120 years and beyond (2017)
R. Lally, Building the General Relativity and Gravitation Community during the Cold War, Springer (2017) p. 167
R Mosenbacher, Apperzeption und Urteil Analysen zum § 19 der Transzendentalen Analytik (2017)
J. Navarro Loidi, Newton and the Spanish artillerymen, in: Reading Newton in early modern Europe Boran, Elizabethanne and Feingold, Mordechai (ed.), Leiden, Boston ed. Brill, p. 64-88 (2017)
E. Nicolaidis, A. Jones, A portable Cosmos. Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World, Oxford: Oxford UP, 228 pages (2017) Almagest, 8-1 (2017), p. 133-137.
E. Nicolaidis, Jian-Liang Lin, Hong-Sen Yan. Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device, Heidelberg: Springer, 2016, ISIS, 108-1 (2017)
R. Pisano, J. Agassi, D. Drozdova (eds), Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science. Homage to Alexandre Koyre 1892-1964, Springer (2017)
R. Pisano, M. Fichant, P. Bussotti, A. Oliveira (eds), The Dialogue between Sciences, Philosophy and Engineering. New Historical and Epistemological Insights. Homage to Gottfried W. Leibniz 1646-1716, London College Publications (2017)
R. Pisano, P. Bussotti, E. Scerri, Un racconto di Sette Elementi [an Italian commented translation of: A Tale of Seven Elements, Oxford University Press, 2013 by Eric Scerri] (2017)
W. Rankin, Newton en images (2017)
E. Santo-Tomas, The Refracted Muse, Literature and optics in Early Modern Spain, Chicago (2017)
C. Talbot, David Bohm: Causality and Chance, Letters to Three Women, Springer (2017)
E. Finch, Three Centuries of Physics in Trinity College Dublin, Living Edition (2016)
K. Hentschel, Forschungstechnologien und Wissenschaftspolitik in der Biografie des Physikers Max Steenbeck (1904-1981), Jena (2016)
R. Iliffe, G. Smith (eds), The Cambridge companion to Newton, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press (2016)
H. Kragh, Varying Gravity Dirac’s Legacy in Cosmology and Geophysics, Birkhauser (2016)
H. Kragh, Julius Thomsen: A Life in Chemistry and Beyond, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen (2016) pp. 279-281
S. Krivit, Explorations in Nuclear Research (Vol. 1) Hacking the Atom; (Vol. 3) Fusion Fiasco; (Vol. 3) Lost History (2016)
C. Lуpez-Cajun, M, Ceccarelli (eds), Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms, Book Series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 32 (2016)
R Mosenbacher, Die Ideendeduktion der Kritik der reinen Vernunft aus Hegels schlusslogischer Perspektive (2016)
N. Maxwell, Two Great Problems of Learning: Science and Civilization, Rounded Globe (2016)
R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, Niccolo Tartaglia and the Renaissance Society Between Science and Technique, Chapter In: Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in the Sixteenth Century (2016)
P. M. Schuster, L. Wilmes,, Unfassbare Strablung - Werdegang zur Modernen Physik, Living Edition (2016)
A. Whitaker, John Stewart Bell and Twentieth-Century Physics: Vision and Integrity, Oxford University Press (2016)
F. Aaserud, H. Kragh (Eds.), One hundred years of the Bohr atom: Proceedings from a conference (Scientia Danica. Series M, Mathematica et physica; Vol. 1) Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videskabernes Selskab (2015)
A. Assis, J. Chaib, Ampere's Electrodynamics, Apeiron Montreal (2015)
J. Boenigk, S. Wodniok, E. Glucksman, Biodiversity and Earth History, Springer (2015)
G. Cavalli-Bjorkman, K. Grandin (eds), Kungl Vetenskapsakademiens Portrдttsamling, Stockholm, (2015),
M. Cunningham, Neoclassical Physics, Springer (2015)
J. van Dongen (Ed.), Cold War Science and the Transatlantic Circulation of Knowledge (2015)
M. Fontani, M. Costa, M. Orna, The lost elements: The periodic table’s shadow side, Oxford University Press (2015)
P. Harrison, The Territories of Science and Religion (2015)
J. Heilbron, Physics: A short history from quintessence to quarks, Oxford University Press (2015)
H. Inaba, Historical investigations into the development of statistical mechanics, PhD (2015)
G. Katsiampoura, E. Nicolaidis (Eds), Science and Religion, International Conference Proceedings (2015)
C. Kiefer, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen, Kann die quantenmechanische Beschreibung der physikalischen Realitat als vollstandig betrachtet werden, Springer (2015)
M. Matthews, Science Teaching: The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science, 2nd Eddition, Routledge, New York (2015)
H. Kragh, Masters of the Universe: Conversations with Cosmologists of the Past, Oxford, University Press (2015) 304 p.
H. Kragh, One Hundred Years of the Bohr Atom, Royal Danish Academy of Science (2015) edited with F. Aaserud
H. Kragh (edited with M. Kaji and G. Pallo), Early Responses to the Periodic System, Oxford University Press (2015)
H. Kragh, K. Nielsen (Eds), 50 opfindelser: Hojdepunkter i teknologien, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2015)
R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in the Sixteenth Century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII. Springer (2015)
R. Pisano (Ed), A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks. Sciences, Society and Technology Studies. Springer (2015)
P. Ruiz-Castell, M. Lourenco, S. Soubiran, S. Talas, Beyond public engagement: new ways of studying, managing and using university collections, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2015)
P. M. Schuster, Meine letzte Antwort auf alles – Ludwig Boltzmann, Roman, Band I, (2015) ISBN 978–3-901585–31-9
A. Simoes, M. Diogo, K. Gavroglu, Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Academic Landscapes, Springer (2015)
G. Vlahakis, G. Katsiampoura, E. Nicolaidis, Science and religion, International Conference Proceedings, Athens (2015)
S. Weinberg, To Explain the World (2015)
A. Baracca, J. Renn, H. Wendt (Eds), The History of Physics in Cuba, Springer (2014)
L. Bonolis, C. Dionisi, N. Robotti (Eds), The Legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist, SIF Conference Proceedings, Societa Italiana di Fisica, Bologna (2014) pp. 194
M. Cooper, E. A. Davis, P. Schuster, D. Weaire (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College Cambridge, 4-5 September 2014, Living Editions, Science (2014)
A. Chapman, Stargazers: Galileo, Copernicus, the Telescope and the Church (2014)
O. Darrigol, Physics and necessity. Rationalist pursuits from the Cartesian past to the quantum present, Oxford University Press (2014)
R. Flood, M. McCartney, A. Whitaker (Eds.), James Clerk Maxwell Perspectives on his life and work, Oxford Univ.Press (2014)
C. Gillispie, R. Pisano, Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship, 2nd Edition (2014)
I. Hristov, The Communist Nuclear Era Bulgarian Atomic Community during the Cold War 1944-1986, PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology (2014)
O. Keller, Light. The Physics of the Proton, CRC Press (2014)
H. Kragh, J. Overduin, The Weight of the Vacuum: A Scientific History of Dark Energy, New York, Springer (2014) 121 p.
H. Kragh, Sandhed, Aarhus, Universitetsforlag (2014) 60 p.
J. Leon, Citizens of the Chemical Complex. Technical Expertise and Science Philanthropy in Imperial and Weimar German (2014)
J. Lequeux, Hippolyte Fizeau
Physicien de la lumiиre (2014)
J. Ron, El mundo despues de la revolucion: la fisica de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, Essay, Spain (2014)
A. Smith, From Sight to Light, The passage from Anchient to Modern Optics, Chicago (2014)
H. Varvoglis, History and Evolution of Concepts in Physics, Textbook, Springer (2014)
W. Voigt, Lehrbuch der Kristallphysik (mit Ausschluss der Kristalloptik), Springer (2014)
A. Authier, Early Days of X-ray Crystallography. International Union of Crystallography, Oxford (2013)
M. Badino, J. Navarro (eds.), Research and Pedagogy. A History of Quantum Physics Through Its Textbooks, Berlin, Open access (2013)
E. Barbin, R. Pisano, The Dialectic Relation between Physics and Mathematics in the XIXth Century. Springer (2013)
J. Bennett, S. Talas, Cabinets of experimental philosophy in eighteenth-century Europe, Brill (2013)
J. Buchwald, R. Fox (eds), Oxford Handbook of the History of Physics, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013)
C. Gillispie, R. Pisano, Lazare and Sadi Carnot, 1st Edition (2013)
I. S. Glass, Nicolas-Louis de La Caille (2013)
Karl Grandin (ed), Emanuel Swedenborg – Exploring a “World memory”: Context, Content, Contribution (2013)
H. Gupta, The Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics (2013)
J. Heilbron, Love, Literature, and the Quantum Atom, with Finn Aaserud, Oxford University Press (2013)
R. Holder, S. Mitton (editors), Georges Lemaоtre: Life, Science and Legacy, Springer (2013)
H. Kragh, M. Skydsgaard, T. Wang, 50 opdagelser, Hojdepunkter i naturvidenskaben, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2013)
A. Maas, H. Schatz (Eds.), Physics as a calling, science for society: studies in honour of A. J. Kox, Leiden Publications (2013)
L. Maison, S. Talas, R. Wittje, Shaping European university heritage: past and possible futures, Trondheim, Akademika Publishing (2013)
J. Navarro Loidi, Don Pedro Giannini o las matematicas de los artilleros del siglo XVIII Segovia, Asociacion Cultural Ciencia y Artilleria (2013)
Jose Manuel Sanchez Ron (ed.), Creadores cientificуs, La fisica en la residencia de estudiantes [1910-1936], Madrid, Publicationes de la Residencia de Estudiantes (2013)
M. Way, D. Hunter (Eds.), Origins of the expanding universe 1912–1932, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2013)
E. Amaldi, The Adventurous Life of Friedrich Georg Houtermans, Physicist (1903-1966), Springer (2012)
L. Bonolis, Prometheus’ dream. The birth of fusion research in Italy (2012) pp. 241 (In Italian)
D. Buchwald, J. Illy, Z. Rosenkranz, T. Sauer, J. van Dongen, D. Kennefick, The collected papers of Albert Einstein, Vol. 13, The Berlin Years: Writings and Correspondence, January 1922 – March 1923. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (2012)
O. Darrigol, A History of optics from Greek antiquity to the nineteenth century, Oxford University Press (2012)
J. Donegan, D. Weaire, P. Florides (Eds), Hutchie, The Life and Works of Edward Hutchinson Synge (1890–1957), Living Edition (2012)
D. Dueck, Geography in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge (2012)
P. Fara, Erasmus Darwin : sex, science, and serendipity, Oxford University Press (2012)
Karl Grandin, Piero Mazzinghi, Nils Olander & Giuseppe Pelosi, A Wireless World: One Hundred Years since the Nobel Prize to Guglielmo Marconi, eds. (Florens: Firenze University Press, 2012
J. Heilbron, Galileo, Oxford University Press (2012)
Г. Камишева, Университетската физика в България, ИФТТ (2012)
T. Koetsier, M. Ceccarelli (eds), Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms, Conference proceedings, Book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 15 (2012)
H. Kragh, Niels Bohr and the quantum atom: The Bohr model of atomic structure 1913–1925, Oxford University Press (2012)
S. Mitton, Taking the Back off the Watch, Thomas Gold Personal Memoir, Springer (2012)
D. Monaldi, Professor Pontecorvo, concerned scientist or notorious spy? Science, secrecy, and identity in the atomic age: Simone Turchetti: The Pontecorvo affair: A cold war defection and nuclear physics. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press (2012)
R. Monk, Robert Oppenheimer: A life inside the center, New York, Doubleday (2012)
R. Mosenbacher, R. Meer, Das Schematismuskapitel Immanuel Kants. Eine Untersuchung zur Funktion und Struktur des Schematismus der reinen Verstandesbegriffe, Saarbrucken, Akademiker-Verlag (2013)
J. Navarro, A History of the Electron: J. J. and G. P. Thomson, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2012) [Translation into Turkish, 2015]
J. Navarro, Niels Bohr. El atomo cuantico. RBA editores. Grandes Ideas de la Ciencia, Rodesa (2012) [Translation into Italian, 2014 and French, 2015]
J. Ostriker, S. Mitton, Heart of Darkness: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Expanding Universe. Princeton University Press (2012)
M. Plank, P. M. Schuster, Victor F. Hess Physiker, Nobelpreistrager – und Mensch, (2012) ISBN 978–3-901585–15-9
K. Simonyi, A Cultural History of Physics, Translated by D. Kramer (2012)
S. Talas, Casa, famiglia e diavoletto di Cartesio: la collezione di strumenti scientifico-didattici dell'Istituto Scalcerle di Padova, Treviso, Canova (2012)
S. Talas, M. Lourenco, Arranging and rearranging: planning university heritage for the future : papers presented at the XII universeum network meeting: university of Padua, Italy, 26-29 May 2011, Padova University Press (2012)
C. Truesdell, Essays in the History of Mechanics, Springer (2012)
M. Walker, History of Meteorological Office, Cambridge University Press (2012)`
G. Baker, Seven Tales of the Pendulum, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2011)
D. Barkan, Walther Nernst and the Transition to Modern Physical Science, Cambridge University Press (2011)
L. Bonolis, C. Bemporad (Eds), Histories of Men and Quarks, a collection of 8 oral history interviews, Societ? Italiana di Fisica (2011) pp. 245 (In Italian)
R. Crease, World in the balance. The historic quest for an absolute system of measurement, New York (2011)
J. Eisinger, Einstein on the road, New York (2011)
H. Gupta, The Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics (1989, 2011, 2021)
D. Hoffmann, Hundert Jahre an der Schnittstelle von Chemie und Physik. Das Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zwischen 1911 und 2011, Berlin, 2011 (together with B. Friedrich, J. James, Th. Steinhauser; German and English Edition)
D. Lambert, The atom and the universe: The life and work of Georges Lemaоtre, Copernicus Center (2011)
S. Mitton, Fred Hoyle a life in science, Cambridge University Press (2011)
Morrison-Low A, S. Dupre (dir.), From Earth-Bound to Satellite: Telescopes, Skills and Networks, Leiden, Brill (2011)
J. Navarro (ed.), Science and Faith Within Reason, Reality, Creation, Life and Design, Farnham: Ashgate (2011)
E. Nicolaidis, A. Petrovic, Mechanizam iz Antikitere, Exhibition Catalog, Belgrade (2011) 18 p.
J. Simon, Communicating Physics, The Production, Circulation and Appropriation of Ganot’s Textbooks in France and England, 1851–1887, Pickering and Chatto (2011)
A. Stockly, R. Muller, Fritz Zwicky: An Extraordinary Astrophysicist. Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Cambridge (2011)
D. Topper, How Einstein Created Relativity out of Physics and Astronomy (2011)
G. Vlahakis, K. Tabakis, The keys to knowlege. 19th century textbooks & books on the popularization of science, Exhibition, 15 June - 16 July 2011, University of Athens
K. Williams (Ed), Crossroads: History of Science, History of Art, Birkhouser (2011)
U. De Young, A Vision of Modern Science, John Tyndall and the Role of the Scientist in Victorian Culture, Palgrave Macmillan (2011)
A. Assis, The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity, Apeiron Montreal (2010)
E. Barbin, R. Pisano, The dialectic relation between physics and mathematics in the XIXth century, Based on the symposium of the 4th international conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), Barcelona, Spain, 18–25 November 2010 Springer
E. Bell, A. Gray (Ed), Televising History, Springer (2010)
B. Gold, Thermo Poetics, Energy in Victorian Literature and Science, MIT Press (2010)
C. Fiolhais, M. Decio, Breve historia da Ciencia em Portugal, Gradiva, Coimbra (2010)
J. Heilbron, Galileo, Oxford University Press (2010)
D. Hoffmann, Max Planck und die moderne Physik, Editor D. Hoffmann, Heidelberg (2010)
D. Hoffmann, „Fremde“ Wissenschaftler im Dritten Reich. Die Debye-Affare im Kontext, Editors D. Hoffmann und M. Walker, Gottingen (2010)
D. Hoffmann, Co-Editor of the encyclopedia "Wer war Wer in der DDR“ (Berlin, 2010)
B. Hunt, Pursuing Power and Light, Technology and Physics from James Watt to Albert Einstein, John Hopkins University Press (2010)
К. Коленцов, Постиженията на приложната физика в БАН. Открития и изобретения на учените от ФИ с АНЕБ и ИФТТ през ХХ век, Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов", София (2010)
E. Paz, M. Ceccarelli, J. Otero, J. Sanz, A Brief Illustrated History of Machines and Mechanisms, book series, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, volume 10 (2010)
R. Sanders, The dark matter problem: A historical perspective, Cambridge University Press (2010)
S. Talas, Museo degli strumenti di fisica del Liceo Tito Livio di Padova, Treviso, Canova (2010)
R. Westfall, Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton, Cambridge University Press (2010)
D. Cassidy, Beyond uncertainty: Heisenberg, quantum physics, and the bomb, New York: Bellevue Literary Press (2009)
H. Kragh, P. Kjargaard, H. Nielsen (Eds), Science in Denmark through a thousand years. Aarhus University Press (2009)
T. Cristencen, John Archibald Wheeler, A Study of Mentoring in Modern Physics Ph.D. diss. Oregon State University (2009)
P. Fara, Science: A four thousand year history, Oxford University Press (2009)
A. al-Hassan, Studies in al-Kimya': Critical Issues in Latin and Arabic Alchemy and Chemistry, Amazon (2009)
J. Lacki, H. Ruegg, G. Wanders (Eds), E. C. G. Stueckelberg, An Unconventional Figure of Twentieth Century Physics, Selected Scientific Papers with Commentaries, Birkhouser, Basel (2009)
J. Lequeux, Le Verrier (2009)
В. Москалев, В. Чахлов, Бетатроны, Монография, Издательство Политехнического Университета, Томск (2009)
R. Numbers (Ed), Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion, Harvard University Press (2009)
S. Niese, Georg von Hevesy, Wissenschaftler ohne Grenzen, Munster (2009)
G. Peruzzi, S. Talas, Il futuro di Galileo: scienza e tecnica dal Seicento al terzo millennio, Skira, Milano (2009)
J. Rigden, R. Stuewer, The Physical Tourist, A Science Guide for the Traveler, Springer, Basel, Switzerland (2009)
G. Strano, S. Johnston (dir.), European Collections of Scientific Instruments 1550-1750, Leiden, Brill (2009)
E. Torenbeek, H. Wittenberg, Flight Physics, Springer (2009)
D. Weaire (Eds), George Francis Fitzgerald, Living Edition (2009)
L. Bonolis (Ed), Masters and Pupils in the Italian Physics of the 20th Century, a collection of oral history interviews and personal recollections, 20 authors, Pavia (2008) pp. 650 (In Italian)
A. Borrelli, Aspects of the astrolabe: "architectonica ratio" in tenth- and eleventh-century Europe, Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart (2008)
G. Ekspong (Ed.), Nobel Lectures in Physics, 2001-2005, World Scientific Publishing Company (2008)
D. Hoffmann, Max Planck, Munchen (2008)
Guerra F, N. Robotti, Ettore Majorana: Aspects of his Scientific and Academic Activity, Publ. Scuola Normale Superiore, CRM Series (2008)
Jackson M, Harmonious Triads – Physicists, Musicians and Instrument Makers in Nineteenth-Century Germany, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press (2008)
Jenkin J, William and Lawrence Bragg, Father and Son – the most extraordinary collaboration in science, Oxford (2008)
H. Kragh, The Moon that wasn't -the saga of Venus'spurious satellite. Birkhauser (2008)
H. Kragh, Entropic Creation: Religious Contexts of Thermodynamics and Cosmology, Ashgate, Aldershot (2008)
D. Monaldi, Einstein’s Generation: The Origins of the Relativity Revolution. By Richard Staley, Chicago, Chicago University Press (2008)
A. Stockly, R. Muller, Fritz Zwicky: Genie mit Ecken und Kanten. Verlag Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ Libro) (2008)
H. Kragh, Entropy Creation – religious contexts of thermodynamics and cosmology. Ashgate, London (2008)
T. Nummedal, Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire, Chicago (2008)
Rivista di Epistemologia Didattica (2008)
G. Vlahakis, E. Nicolaidis, Z. Bosemberg, E. Vampoulis, H. Kragh, P. M. Schuster, E. Koleza, S. Sakkopoulos, E. Vitoratos, C. Skordoulis, H. Polydorou, Notions of physics in natural philosophy (2008)
J. Ballad, Revisiting Electromagnetic Phenomena: Introducing the Radiated Electrical Property, Hillcroft Publications (2007)
A. Capri, From quanta to quarks: More anecdotal history of physics, Singapore, World Scientific (2007)
Chang H, Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progress, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2007)
H. Ebbinghaus, Ernst Zermelo: An approach to his life and work. Berlin: Springer (2007)
P. Freund, A Passion for Discovery, Singapore (2007)
G. Hoeppe, Why the Sky is Blue, Princeton University Press (2007)
D. Hoffmann, Physiker zwischen Autonomie und Anpassung. Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich. Editors DH, Mark Walker, Weinheim (2007) [in English, 2011]
D. Home, A. Whitaker, Einstein's Struggles with Quantum Theory: A Reappraisal, Springer, New York (2007)
H. Kragh, Conceptions of cosmos, Oxford University Press (2007)
B. Lojek, History of Semiconductor Engineering, Springer (2007)
S. Molokov, R. Moreau, H. Moffatt, Magnetohydrodynamics: Historical Evolution and Trends, Springer (2007)
J. Morrison, The Astrolabe, Janus (2007)
I. Muller, A History of Thermodynamic, The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy, Springer (2007)
J. Navarro (Ed), Synergia. Primer Encuentro de Jovenes Investigadores en Historia de la Ciencia, CSIC, Madrid (2007)
Schickore J, The Microscope and the Eye: A History of Reflections 1750-1870, Chicago, University of Chicago Press (2007)
T. Arabatzis, Representing electrons: A biographical approach to theoretical entities, University of Chicago Press (2006)
J. Heilbron (ed), The Oxford Guide to the History of Physics and Astronomy, Oxford University Press (2006)
D. Hoffmann, Einsteins Berlin, Weinheim (2006) [in English, 2012]
H. Kragh, Conceptions of Cosmos – from myth to the accelerating universe, Oxford University Press (2006)
M. Kokowski (ed.), The Global and the Local: The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Cracow, Poland (6-9 September 2006)
M. Longair, The cosmic century: A history of astrophysics and cosmology, Cambridge University Press (2006)
J. Navarro, El padre del electron, Nivola, Madrid (2006)
J. Navarro, Arquitectos de la materia. Fundacion Iberdrola, Madrid (2006)
J. Navarro Loidi, Las Ciencias Matematicas y las ensenanzas militares durante el reinado de Carlos II. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa. 2 vol. (2006)
P. Rowlands, 125 Years of Excellence The University of Liverpool Physics Department 1881 to 2006, IoP (2006)
O. Darrigol, Worlds of flow, A history of hydrodynamics from the Bernoullis to Prandtl, Oxford University Press (2005)
O. Darrigol, Les equations de Maxwell, de MacCullagh a Lorentz, Paris, Belin (2005)
Engels W, P. Heering, Physik in unserer Zeit (2005)
Hoffmann D, Albert Einstein, Berlin, (2005) [in Russian, 2009]
P. Fara, Fatal Attraction: Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment Icon Books (2005)
J. Farrell, The day without yesterday Lemaitre, Einstein and the bird of modern cosmology, New York (2005)
C. Fiolhais, Einstein entre Nos. A Receptio de Einstein em Portugal de 1905 a 1955 (2005)
P. Holmberg, Viktor Theodor Homen. Vetenskapsman och politiker. Bidrag till kannedom av Finlands natur och folk, No. 163, Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, Helsingfors (2005) s. 136
D. Kaiser, Drawing Theories Apart: The dispersion of Feynmann’s diagrams in Postwar Physics, Chicago University Press, (2005)
H. Kragh, Dirac – a scientific biography, Cambridge University Press (1990, 2005)
M. Matthews, C. Gauld, A. Stinner (Eds.), The Pendulum, Scientific, Historical, Philosophical and Educational Perspectives, Dordrecht, Springer (2005)
A. Miller, Empire of the Stars: Obsession, Friendship and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes (2005)
S. Mitton, Conflict in the Cosmos: Fred Hoyle's Life in Science, Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC (2005)
D. Monaldi D, The fate of the mesotron [microform] : the Rome experiment on the nuclear absorption of hard cosmic rays, Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Toronto (2005)
E. McMullin, The Church and Galileo (Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values), Notre Dame Press (2005)
J. North, God's Clockmaker: Richard of Wallingford and the Invention of Time, Continuum International Publishing Group (2005)
P. Pesic, Sky in a Bottle, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2005)
Chang H, Inventing temperature measurement and scientific progress, oxford University Press (2004)
Fara P, Pandora's Breeches: Women, Science and Power in the Enlightenment Pimlico Books (2004)
Kragh H, Matter and Spirit in the Universe – scientific and religious preludes to modern cosmology (2004)
J. Leon, Los Inicios del Programa Nuclear Colombiano, 1955–1965: Diplomacia y Ayuda Internacional en la Formaciуn de una Comunidad Cientнfica en la Era del Desarrollo, Bogota, Universidad de los Andes (2004)
Peruzzi G, S. Talas, Bagliori nel vuoto: dall'uovo elettrico ai raggi X: un percorso tra elettricita e pneumatica dal Seicento a oggi, Treviso, Canova (2004)
Almqvist E, History of Industrial Gases, Springer (2003)
Bennett J, London's Leonardo: the life and work of Robert Hooke, Oxford University Press (2003)
Bennett J, M. Cooper, M. Hunter and L. Jardine, London's Leonardo: The Life and Work of Robert Hooke, Oxford University Press (2003)
Ekspong G (Ed.), Nobel Lectures in Physics, 1996-2000, World Scientific Publishing Company (2003)
Fara P, Sex, Botany and Empire: The Story of Carl Linnaeus and Joseph Banks, Cambridge: Icon Books (2003) Retrieved 22 February 2015
Hoffmann D, Co-Editor of the encyclopedia "Bedeutende Naturwissenschaftler“, Heidelberg (2003)
Ihsanoglu E, K. Chatzis, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Multicultural science in the Ottoman Empire, Brepols, Turnhout-Belgium (2003) 248 p.
Krebs R, C. Krebs, Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, and Discoveries of the Ancient World, Greenwood Press (2003)
Dahl F, From nuclear transmutation to nuclear fission, 1932-1939, CRC Press (2002)
Enz C, No time to be brief: A scientific biography of Wolfgang Pauli, Oxford University Press (2002)
Fara P, An Entertainment for Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment Icon Books (2002)
Fara P, Newton: The Making of Genius Pan-MacMillan (2002)
Fauvel J, J. van Maanen (Ed), History in Mathematics Education, Springer (2002)
S. Gaukroger, Descartes’ System of Natural Philosophy, Cambridge University Press (2002)
Hoffmann D, Physik im Nachkriegsdeutschland, Frankfurt am Main (2002)
Jubilee Collection 30th Anniversary of the Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1972-2002 (2002)
Kragh H, G. Vanpaemel, P. Marage (eds), History of Modern Physics, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers (2002) (Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, Liege, 20-26 July 1997, volume XIV
Pang A, Empire and the Sun. Victorian Solar Eclipse Expeditions, Stanford University Press (2002)
Petrov A. G (Ed), Jubilee Collection 30th Anniversary of the Institute of Solid State Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1972–2002, BAS, Sofia (2002)
Talas S, Jacques Barthelemy Micheli du Crests Thermometer und seine Beziehungen zu Georg Friedrich Brander in Augsburg, Augsburg (2002)
Clifton G, G. Turner, Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851, London, Zwemmer (2001)
L. Kostro (ed), Einstein and the Ether, Apeiron, Montreal (2000)
Hassan A al, M. Ahmad, A. Iskandar (Eds), The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture. Science and Technology in Islam, Vol IV, Parts I and II, Amazon, (2001)
Holton G, S. Brush, Physics the human adventure from Copernicus to Einstein and beyond (2001)
Lewis M, Surveying Instruments of Greece and Rome, Cambridge University Press (2001)
Rothenberg M, The History of Science in the United States, New York (2001)
D'Agostino S, A History of the Ideas of Theoretical Physics, Springer (2000)
O. Darrigol, Electrodynamics from Ampere to Einstein, Oxford University Press (2000)
Jackson M, Spectrum of Belief: Joseph von Fraunhofer and the Craft of Precision Optics, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press (2000)
Leone M, N. Robotti, C. A. Segnini, Fermi archives at the Domus Galilaeana in Pisa, Extrait de Physis (2000)
Magnello E, Acentury of measurement. An illustrated history of the National Physical Laboratory, Bath (2000)
Navarro J, En contacto con la realidad. El realismo critico en la filosofia de Karl Popper. Cuadernos de Anuario Filosofico, Serie Universitaria 117, Pamplona (2000)
Crone R, A History of Color, Springer (1999)
Galperin Ch, S. Gilbert, B. Hoppe (eds), Fundamental Changes in Cellular Biology in the 20th Century: Biology of Development, Chemistry and Physics in the Life Sciences, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers (1999) Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, Liege, 20-26 July 1997, volume III
J. Heilbron, The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar Observatories, Harvard University Press (1999)
Hoffmann D, Naturwissenschaft und Technik in der DDR. Editors DH, Kristie Macrakis, Berlin 1997 (in English, 1999)
Kragh H, Cosmology and Controversy – the historical development of two theories of the universe, Princeton University Press (1999)
Kragh H, Quantum Generations – a history of physics in the 20 Century, Princeton University Press (1999)
Nicolaidis E, C. Mendoza, J. Vandersmissen (eds), The Spread of the Scientific Revolution in the European Periphery, Latin America and East Asia, Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, Vol. V, ed. Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium (1999) 194 p.
Bennett J, S. Mandelbrote, The Garden, the Ark, the Tower, the Temple. Biblical Metaphors of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, Oxford (1998)
Bud R, D. Warner (eds), Instruments of Science: An Historical Encyclopedia, London (1998)
Cercignani C, Ludwig Boltzmann: The man who trusted atoms. Oxford: Oxford University Press (1998)
Crowe M, D. Dyck, J. Krvin (eds.), A calendar of the correspondence of Sir John Herschel, Cambridge University Press (1998)
Evans J, The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy, Oxford University Press (1998)
Hassan A al, Kitab al Furusiyyah wa al Manasib al Harbiyya of Hasan Al Rammah (on gunpowder and incendiary weapons), Aleppo (1998)
Kragh H, D. Knight (Eds), The Making of the Chemist: The Social History of Chemistry in Europe, 1789–1914. Cambridge University Press (1998)
Navarro J, Cap al naixement d’una nova disciplina. El descobriment de noves particules elementals i la seva contextualitzacio abans de la II Guerra Mundial (1932-1939), Publicacions de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (1998)
Pallo G, Hevesy Gyorgy, Budapest (1998)
Ron J, Marie Curie y la radioactividad, Madrid (1998)
Turner G, Scientific Instruments 1500-1900: An Introduction, University of California Press (1998)
Brown A, The neutron and the bomb: A biography of Sir James Chadwick, Oxford University Press (1997)
Dahl P, Flash of the Cathode Rays: A History of J. J. Thomson’s Electron, Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing (1997)
Ekspong G (Ed.), Nobel Lectures in Physics 1991-1995, World Scientific Publishing Company (1997)
Krige J, D. Pestre (Eds.), Science in the 20th Century, Harwood Academic Publishers (1997)
Savage D, Notable Women in the Physical Sciences, London (1997)
Brown L, H. Rechenberg, The origin of the concept of nuclear forces, Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing (1996)
Chien-Shiung Wu, History of Original Ideas and Basic Discoveries in Particle Physics, New York (1996)
Kragh H, Cosmology and Controversy, Princeton University Press, Princeton (1996)
Newman H, T. Ypsilantis (Eds), History of Original Ideas and Basic Discoveries in Particle Physics, Springer (1996)
Ruestow E, The Microscope in the Dutch Republic: The Shaping of Discovery, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (1996)
Shapin S, The Scientific Revolution The University of Chicago Press (1996)
A Hundred Years and More of Cambridge Physics, First Edition, 1974; Second Edition, 1980; Third Edition 1995
Blackmore J, (ed) Ludwig Boltzmann: His later life and philosophy, 1900–1906: Book one: A documentary history. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1995)
Blackmore J, (ed) Ludwig Boltzmann: His later life and philosophy, 1900–1906: Book Two. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1995)
Brown L, A. Pais, B. Pippard (Eds), Twentieth Century Physics, Bristol (1995)
Rossiter M, Women Scientists in America Before Affirmative Action 1940-1972, Baltimore (1995)
Wilson C, The Invisible World, Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope, Princeton, Princeton University Press (1995)
Bennett J, D. Meli, Sphaera mundi : astronomy books in the Whipple Museum 1478-1600 (1994)
Bruyns M, The Cross-Staff: History and Development of a Navigational Instrument, Zutphen (1994)
McMullin E, Newton on Matter and Activity, Amazon (1994)
J. North, The Fontana history of astronomy and cosmology, Fontana Press (1994)
Polkinghorne J, The Faith of a Physicist, Princeton University Press, New Jersey (1994)
Williams M, The precision makers. A history of the instruments industry in Britain and France 1870-1939, London (1994)
R. Anderson, J. Bennett, W. Ryan, Making instruments count: essays on historical scientific instruments presented to Gerard L'Estrange Turner (1993)
J. Bennett, Empires of physics: a guide to the exhibition, Cambridge (1993)
K. Fischer, Changing Landscapes of Nuclear Physics, Springer (1993)
D. Hoffmann, Operation Epsilon. Die Farm-Hall-Protokolle oder die Angst der Alliierten vor der deutschen Atombombe, Reinbeck (1993)
L. Grinstein, R. Rose, M. Rafailovich (Eds), Women in Chemistry and Physics, Westport (1993)
G. Ekspong (Ed.), Nobel Lectures in Physics 1981-1990, World Scientific Publishing Company (1993)
A. Simoes, Converging trajectories, diverging traditions: chemical bond, valence, quantum mechanics and chemistry, 1927-1937, PhD thesis (1993)
E. Tropp, V. Frenkel, A. Chernin, Alexander A. Friedmann: The man who made the universe expand, Cambridge University Press (1993)
B. Cohen, The Birth of a New Physics, New York, Penguin (1992)
O. Darrigol, From c-numbers to q-numbers, The classical analogy in the history of quantum theory, Berkeley, University of California Press (1992)
P. Holmberg, The history of physics in Finland 1828–1918, The history of learning and science in Finland 1828–1918, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki, No. 5a (1992) 267 p.
S. Lundqvist (Ed.), Nobel Lectures in Physics 1971-1980, World Scientific Publishing Company (1992)
M. Rayner-Canham, G. Rayner-Canham, Harriet Brooks: Pioneer Nuclear Scientist, Montreal (1992)
D. Hoffmann, H. Laiko, Studien und Dokumente zum Leben und Werk von Ernst Mach. Hrsgb. Berlin (1991)
B. Hunt (ed), The Maxwellians. Cornell University Press, Cornell (1991)
F. Sezgin (ed.), Arabische Instrumente in orientalistischen Studien, 6 vols, Frankfurt am Main, (1991)
Turner G, Scientific Instruments and Experimental Philosophy 1550-1850, Aldershot, Variorum (1991)
F. Aaserud, Redirecting science: Niels Bohr, philanthropy and the rise of nuclear physics, Cambridge University Press (1990)
J. Bennett, Church, State and Astronomy in Ireland, 200 Years of Armagh Observatory, Belfast (1990)
B. Bertotti, R. Balbinot, S. Bergia, A. Messina (Eds.), Modern cosmology in retrospect, Cambridge University Press (1990)
J. R. Fleming, Meteorology in America 1800-1870, Baltimore, Johns HOPKINS University Press (1990)
P. Harman (Ed), The scientific letters and papers of James Clerk Maxwell, Cambridge (1990)
D. Hoffmann, Robert Havemann: warum ich Stalinist war und Anti-Stalinist wurde. Texte und ein biographischer Essay. Editors. DH, Hubert Laitko, Berlin (1990)
H. Kragh, Dirac – a scientific biography, Cambridge University Press (1990, 2005)
H. S. Leff, A. F. Rex, Maxwell's demon: Entropy, Information, Computing, Princeton University Press (1990)
E. Perucca, Mezzo Secolo di Fisica per Gli Ingegnery, Torino (1990)
H. Schneuwly, Albert Gockel et la decouverte du rayonnement cosmique, Fribourg, Edition Universitaire de Fribourg (1990)
H. Kragh, Dirac – a scientific biography, Cambridge University Press (1990, 2005)
L. Brown, M. Dresden, L. Hoddeson (eds), Pions to quarks: Particle physics in the 1950s, Cambridge University Press (1989)
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J. Heilbron, R. Seidel, Lawrence and his laboratory: A history of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, University of California Press (1989)
D. Hoffmann, Erwin Schrodinger. Leipzig 1984 (in Russian, 1987; Japanese, 1989)
P. Kerzberg, The invented universe: The Einstein-de sitter controversy (1916–1917) and the rise of relativistic cosmology, Clarendon Press (1989)
L. Motz (et al.), The Story of Physics, Springer (1989)
C. Smith, M. Wise, Energy and Empire: A Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin, Cambridge U. Press (1989)
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G. Gamow, The great physicists from Galileo to Einstein, New York, Dover Publications (1988)
M. Hambly, Drawing Instruments, 1580-1980, London (1988)
Ц. Чолакова, Естественонаучните знания в средновековна България, изд.БАН, София (1988)
J. Bennett, The Divided Circle: A History of Instruments for Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying, Oxford, 1987
B. Foster, 40 years of Particle Physics, Bristol (1987)
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P. Kidwell, Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science 1789-1979, New Brunswick, NJ (1987)
H. Kragh, An introduction to the historiography of Science, Cambridge University Press (1987)
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The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Vols. 1-13, Princeton University Press (1987)
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S. Brush, Physics and the atomists. Bk. 1 of The kind of motion we call heat: A history of the kinetic theory of gases in the 19th century, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1986)
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M. Ogilvie, Women in Science: Antiquity through the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge (1986)
E. Nicolaidis, Contribution for Greece and USSR to the volume: The Greenwich List of Observatories: A world list of astronomical observatories, instruments and clocks, 1670-1850, Science History Publications (1986)
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M. Phillips, History of Physics, Springer (1985)
М. Борисов, А. Ваврек, Г. Камишева, Предшественици на разпространението и развитието на физическите науки в България, изд. НП, София (1985)
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E. Nicolaidis, Le developement de l'astronomie en U.R.S.S., 1917 – 1935, Editions de l' Observatoire de Paris, Paris, (1984) 251 p
S. Brush, Statistical physics and the atomic theory of matter: From Boyle and Newton to Landau and Onsager, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press (1983)
S. Brush, C. Everitt, E. Carber, Maxwell on Saturn's ring, Cambridge (1983)
S. Drake, Telescopes, Tides and Tactics: A Galilean Dialogue about the Starry Messenger and Systems of the World, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1983)
J. Harvey, D. Walls (Ed), Laser Physics, Springer (1983)
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