7. Cavendish Museum, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK
8. Physics Museum, University of Queensland, Australia
9. Physics Historical Museum, Grinnell College, USA
10. Rutherford Museum, Montreal, Canada
11. Physics Laboratory and Museum of Scientific Instruments, Urbino, Italy
12. The Physics section at the Deutsches Museum, Munich
13. Ampere and History of Electricity, France
14. Museum for History of the Physics in Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria - Movie (6:30)
Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, UK
National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Science Museum of the Coimbra University, Portugal
Science Museum Group, South Kensington, London, UK
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Toronto, Canada
Prof. Ing. Dimitrie Leonida, Bucharest, Romania
Stefan Procopiu Science and Technique Museum Iassy, Romania
Palatul Cultury Tur Muzee, Romania
Teylers Museum, Harlem, Netherlands
Created: 5 October 2016 |