R. Lalli, J. Navarro, 100 Years of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics, Nature Reviews Physics (4) 568–569 (2022)
R. Lalli, Testing the theory of general relativity, Physics Today, 74 (6) 55-56 (2021)
M. Rentetzi, F. D'Abramo, R. Lalli, Diplomacy in the Time of Cholera, Science Technology & Society (2021)
M. Adamson, R. Lalli, Global Perspectives on Science Diplomacy:, Exploring the Diplomacy-Knowledge Nexus in Contemporary Histories of Science, Centaurus, 63 (1) 1-16 (2021)
R. Lalli, R. Howey, D. Wintergrun, The Socio-Epistemic Networks of General Relativity, 1925–1970, In: The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context, Birkhauser (2020) 15-84
A. Blum, R. Lally, J. Renn, The Renaissance of General Relativity in Context, Birkhouser (2020) p. 406
R. Lalli, Hunting for the luminiferous ether: the revival of the Michelson-Morley experiment in the 1920s, In: J. Navarro (Ed.), Ether and modernity: the recalcitrance of an antagonizing object in the early twentieth century, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2018) p. 155-178
A. Blum, R. Lalli, J. Renn, Gravitational waves and the long relativity revolution. Nature Astronomy, 2(7) 534-543 (2018)
L. Bonolis, A. La Rana, R. Lalli, The Renaissance of general relativity in Rome: main actors, research programs and institutional structures, In: M. Bianchi, R. T. Jantzen (Eds.), The fourteenth Marcel Grossmann meeting: on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, astrophysics, and relativistic field theories. Part D (p. 3372-3377) Singapur: World Scientific (2017)
A. Blum, D. Giulini, R. Lalli, J. Renn (Eds.), The Renaissance of Einstein’s theory of gravitation [Special Issue], European physical journal. H, 42(2), (2017)
A. Blum, D. Giulini, R. Lalli, J. Renn, Editorial introduction to the special issue "The Renaissance of Einstein’s theory of gravitation", European Physical Journal H, 42(2), 95-105 (2017)
R. Lalli, ‘Dirty work’, but someone has to do it: Howard P. Robertson and the refereeing practices of ‘Physical Review’ in the 1930s. Notes and Records, 70(2) 151-174 (2016)
A. Blum, R. Lalli, J. Renn, The renaissance of general relativity: how and why it happened, Annalen der Physik, 528(5) 344-349 (2016)
R. Lalli, La rinascita della relativita generale nel secondo dopoguerra, Il Giornale di Astronomia, 42(4) 32-37 (2016)
J. Renn, D. Wintergrun, R. Lalli, M. Laubichler, M. Valleriani, Netzwerke als Wissensspeicher, In: J. Mittelstrass, U. Rudiger (Eds.), Die Zukunft der Wissensspeicher: Forschen, Sammeln und Vermitteln im 21. Jahrhundert (p. 35-79), Munchen: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft Konstanz (2016)
R. Lalli, The Renaissance of physics: Karl K. Darrow (1891–1982) and the dissemination of quantum theory at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, In: R. Pisano (Ed.), A bridge between conceptual frameworks: sciences, society and technology studies (p. 249-273). Cham: Springer (2015)
A. Blum, R. Lalli, J. Renn, The reinvention of general relativity: a historiographical framework for assessing one hundred years of curved space-time, Isis, 106(3) 598-620 (2015)
R. Lalli, Einstein as founding father of quantum theory. Review of: Stone, Douglas S.: Einstein and the quantum: the search of the valiant Swabian. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press 2013. Metascience, 24(1) 119-122R (2015)
A. Blum, L. Bonolis, R. Lalli, J. Renn, La relativita dopo la guerra. Le Scienze: Edizione Italiana di Scientific American, 567, 48-53 (2015)
J. Renn, R. Lalli, Tutto Albert nella rete (2015)
R. Lalli, A new scientific journal takes the scene: the birth of reviews of modern physics, Annalen der Physik, 526(9/10) A83-A87 (2014)
R. Lalli, The revival of the Lamor-Lorentz ether theories: Herbert E. Ives' opposition to relativity between 1937 and 1953, In: G. Katsiampoura (Ed.), Scientific cosmopolitanism and local cultures: religions, ideologies, societies; proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Athens, 1-3 november 2012 (p. 360-366). Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation (2014)
R. Lalli, Confirming special relativity in spite of himself: the origin of the Ives-Stilwell experiment, In: R. Pisano, D. Capecchi, A. Lukesova (Eds.), Physics, astronomy and engineering: critical problems in the history of science; International 32nd Congress for the SISFA–Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy, Roma 2012, Italy (p. 298-304). Siauliai, Lithuania: Scientia Socialis Press (2013)
R. Lalli, Anti-relativity in action: the scientific activity of Herbert E. Ives between 1937 and 1953, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 43(1) 41-104 (2013)
R. Lalli, The Reception of Miller’s Ether-Drift Experiments in the USA: The History of a Controversy in Relativity Revolution. Annals of Science, 69(2) 153-214 (2012)
R. Lalli, L’anti-relativismo negli USA. Uno Studio preliminare sui principali attori: Dayton C. Miller, Herbert E. Ives, Charles L. Poor, In: R. Mantovani (Ed.), Atti del 30. congresso nazionale: Urbino, 30 giugno - 3 luglio 2010 / SISFA - Societa italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia (p. 203-212) Urbino: Argalia Editore (2012)
R. Lalli, Dayton C. Miller’s Ether-Drift Experiments. In A. Roca-Rosell (Ed.), The Circulation of Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS, Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010 (p. 1093-1100) Barcelona: SCHCT-IEC (2012)
R. Lalli, G. M. M. Sagnac e la difesa dell’etere di Fresnel. In E. Giannetto, G. Giannini, & M. Toscano (Eds.), Intorno a Galileo: La Storia della Fisica e il Punto di Svolta Galileiano (p. 146-157) Rimini: Guaraldi (2011)
R. Lalli, Effetto Sagnac (1913): Storia di un mancato dibattito nella Francia degli anni '20, Quaderni di Storia della Fisica, 17(1) 47-81 (2011)
R. Lalli, The Sagnac Effect: A Historical Study of the Discovery and of Its Earlier Interpretations, In: H. Hunger, F. Seebacher, G. Holzer (Eds.), Styles of Thinking in Science and Technology: Proceedings of the III International Congress of the European Society of the History of Science (p. 963-971) Wien: Verlag der osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2010)
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Research Gate
Created: 6 December 2018
Updated: 13 December 2022
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