History of Physics
History of Science
HOPDSS2018 Joint 3rd International Conference on the History of Physics of the EPS
San Sebastian, Donostia, Spain, 17–20 September 2018
Organizing Committee
Massimiliano Badino (University of Verona)
Arianna Borrelli (Technische Universitat Berlin)
Edward A. Davis (University of Cambridge)
Christian Forstner (University of Frankfurt)
Greg Good (American Institute of Physcis)
Karl Grandin (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
Gisela Mateos (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Jaume Navarro (Ikerbasque and University of the Basque Country)
Jose Manuel Sanchez-Ron (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Peter M. Schuster (Echophysics, Pollau, Austria)
Maria Rentetzi (National Technical University of Athens)
Xavier Roque (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
Inaki San Pedro (University of the Basque Country)
George Vlachakis (Hellenic Open University and National Hellenic Research Foundation)
Denis Weaire (Trinity College, Dublin)
"History of European Physical Society" Round Table
Jim Bennett receives the Physics History Prize
Jim Bennett Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lectures
Jim Bennett Looking for Physics in the History of Science before Maxwell
Roberto Lalli History of European Physical Society
Patricia Fara "Physics and Gender" (Round table)
Histories of Theory Change
Pablo Ruiz de Olano (Max Planck Institut fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte), "Theory Choice in Post-War Particle Physics: Rethinking the Decline-of-QFT- Narrative"
Matthias Heymann (Aarhus Universitet), "Modeling the climate: Epistemic and cultural change in climate science"
Massimiliano Badino (University of Verona), "Structure or Agent? Max Planck and the Birth of Quantum Theory"
Problems in 18th Century Physics
Rudolf Meer (University of Graz), "Immanuel Kant’s Transcendental Justification of the Action at a Distance in the Context of the Scientific Debates of the 18th Century"
Raffaele Pisano (Universite de Lille), "Understanding Physics as Newton’s Principia Geneva Edition ([1739-1742] 1822): The Interplay Physics – Mathematics – Geometry into History of Physics"
Erdmann Gorg (Ruhr–University Bochum), "Connecting philosophical reflections with experimental research – J.F. Fries’ extension of Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science"
Mathematical Methods
Ricardo Karam (Kobenhavns Universitet), "Historical justifications for the use of complex numbers in quantum mechanics"
Arianna Borrelli (Technical University Berlin), "The Monte Carlo method in early particle physics"
Jan Lacki (Universite de Geneve), "Fritz London and the rise of transformation theory"
Quantum Physics
Daniela Monaldi (York University), "From light quanta to bosons"
Marij van Strien (Bergische University Wuppertal), "Feyerabend and Bohm on quantum mechanics: parallels between physics and philosophy"
Helge Kragh (Kobenhavns University), "The Principle of Plenitude as a Guiding Theme in Modern Physics"
National Identities
Maria Baig, Gonzalo Gimeno, Enric Perez, and Mercedes Xipell (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona): Schrodinger in Spain: a critical diffusion of quantum mechanics
George Vlahakis (Hellen Open University and Inistitute for Historical Research), "Physics and Orthodox Christianity in 20th century Greece"
Geert Vanpaemel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), "Nuclear Research and Science Policy in Post-War Belgium"
Santiago Sierra and Carlos Hugo Sierra (Basque Association for Oriental Studies), "Science between two worlds. Piotr Leonidovich Kapitza as the main introductory of the methods of western physics in the Soviet Union"
Forgotten Names in Physics
Thiago Hartz (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) and Reinaldo de Melo E Souza (Universidade Federal Fluminense), "The struggle of the last Newtonian: Joseph Bertrand’s work on celestial mechanics (1853–1894)"
Edward Davis (University of Cambridge), "Rutherford’s favourite radiochemist: Bertram Borden Boltwood (1870–1927)"
Christopher Sinclair (Caterham School), "Dr John Macintyre 1857-1928 – Scotland’s X-Ray Pioneer"
Bruno Nobre, Antonio Augusto Passos Videira and Marcos Paulo Da Cunha Martinho "Francis X. Roser, SJ and the Physics Institute at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro"
Forgotten Projects in Physics
Cormac O’Raifeartaigh (Waterford Institute of Technology), "The dawning of modern cosmology: an internal and external history"
Denis Weaire and James Lunney (Trinity College, Dublin), "The radiant Stranger: the Story of Conical Refraction"
Sian Stott, Isobel Falconer, Charles Baily and Paul Cruickshank (Univeristy of St Andrews), "Recreating FitzGerald’s Wheel and Band Model of the Electromagnetic Ether"
Andrew Whitaker (Queens University, Belfast), "George Gabriel Stokes and the Safety of Railway Bridges"
A Cultural History of Physics in the Modern Age
Richard Staley (University of Cambridge): Worldviews and views of the world: On the relations between scale and method in physicists’ changing cultural authority
Joanna Behrman (Johns Hopkins University): “Practitioners of Physics: Thinking Beyond the Archetypes”
Joseph D. Martin (University of Cambridge): Who Was Physics For?: Companies, Combatants, Countries, and Colleagues"
Xavier Roque (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), "The places of physics in the 20th century"
Falk Muller (Goethe Universitat), "With what was physics done? On the role of instruments in 20th century physics"
Arne Schirrmacher (Humboldt University), "How did Physics Knowledge Circulate Throughout Culture in the 20th Century?"
Nasser Zakariya (University of California, Berkeley), "Representations and Misrepresentations of Twentieth-century Physics"
Scientific Institutions
Katemari Rosa (Universidade Federal da Bahia), "The hidden Blackness of Brazilian science: an oral history approach"
Thomas Kaiserfeld (Lund University), "Neutrons Disarmed and Commercialized: Realizing Plans for a Transnational European Spallation Source in the Wake of the Cold War"
Climerio Silva Neto (Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia), "A Nobel for Detente: how diplomacy shaped the outcome of the prize for the invention of the laser"
Karl Grandin (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), "The middle way of physics in 1943"
Juraj Sebesta (Univerzita Komenskeho), "Foundation of the Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences"
Ganka Kamisheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), "Union of Physicists in Bulgaria 120 Years Jubilee"
Pedagogy and the History of Physics
Pangratios Papacosta (Columbia College Chicago), "Enriching Physics with its History and its Biography"
Juan Navarro-Loidi (Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea), "Teaching Physics in Absolutist Spain (1823–1833)"
John Reid (University of Aberdeen), "Introducing Patrick Copland: 18th century Professor, Mechanic and Educational Innovator"
Isabel Malaquias (Universidade de Aveiro), "Tracking the history of Gazeta de Fisica – ups and downs of the first Portuguese dissemination journal for physics students and teachers (1946–2006)"
P. M. Schuster, 3rd International Conference of History of Physics, e-EPS, 20 November 2018
Created: 22 October 2018
Updated: 13 January 2025