European Pysical Society

Prof. Efthymios Nicolaidis


  1. E. Delli, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Cosmogonie, cosmologie, hexaéméron, Almagest, 11-1, May (2020)

  2. E. Nicolaidis (ed.), Greek Alchemy from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, De diversis artibus 66, collection de travaux de l'Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences, Turnhout, Brepols (2018)

  3. E. Nicolaidis, Jian-Liang Lin; Hong-Sen Yan. Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device. 281 p, Heidelberg: Springer 2016, ISIS, v. 108, Nr. 1, p.172 (2017)

  4. E. Nicolaidis, Alexander Jones, A portable Cosmos. Revealing the Antikythera Mechanism, Scientific Wonder of the Ancient World, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. 228 pages, illustrations and index”, Almagest, 8-1 (2017), p. 133-137.

  5. E. Nicolaidis, Jian-Liang Lin; Hong-Sen Yan. Decoding the Mechanisms of Antikythera Astronomical Device, Heidelberg: Springer, 2016, ISIS, 108-1 (2017), p. 172-173.

  6. E. Nicolaidis, Creationism in Greece, in Stefaan Blanke, Hans Henrik Hjermitslev, Peter C. Kjaergaard, (eds), Creationism in Europe, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press (2014) 144-161

  7. E. Nicolaidis, Les condamnations d’idees scientifiques par l’Eglise orthodoxe, in M. Malpangotto, V. Jullien, E. Nicolaidis (eds), L’homme au risque de l’infini. Melanges d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences offerts a Michel Blay, De diversis artibus, collection de travaux de l'Academie internationale d'histoire des sciences, Turnhout: Brepols (2013) 323-334

  8. M. Malpangotto, V. Jullien, E. Nicolaidis (eds), L’homme au risque de l’infini. Melanges d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences offerts a Michel Blay, De diversis artibus, collection de travaux de l'Academie internationale d'histoire des sciences, Turnhout: Brepols (2013) 444 p

  9. V. Jullien, E. Nicolaidis, M, Blay (eds), Europe et sciences modernes. Histoire d’un engendrement mutuel, Peter Lang (2012)

  10. E. Nicolaidis, Byzance et les sciences perse, latine et juive (14e-15e s.), in V. Jullien, E. Nicolaidis and M. Blay (eds), Europe et sciences modernes. Histoire d’un engendrement mutuel, Peter Lang (2012) 83-104

  11. E. Nicolaidis, La politique scientifique dans l'Empire ottoman, International Archive of the History of Science, Les sciences a la cour de Versailles et la naissance des politiques scientifiques en Europe, vol. 62, fasc. 169, decembre (2012) 679-689, Presentation in Franch (31:52)

  12. E. Nicolaidis, Science and Eastern Orthodoxy. From the Greek Fathers to the age of globalization, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press (2011)

  13. C. Skordoulis, E. Nicolaidis, E. Kolezaand, D. Chassapis (eds), History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science, Nissos academic publishing, Athens, (2011) 346 p (in Greek)

  14. E. Nicolaidis, Science and Eastern Orthodoxy, Hopkins University Press (2011)

  15. E. Nicolaidis, Ancient Greek Mathematical Astronomy, Chapter 9, The classical world, Heritage studies of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, A thematic study, ed. by C. Ruggles and M. Cotte, Paris: ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites – IAU International Astronomical Union (2011) 141-143

  16. E. Nicolaidis, A. Petrovic, Mechanizam iz Antikitere, Exhibition Catalog, Belgrade (2011) 18 p.

  17. E. Nicolaidis (ed), Aspects de la recherche Hellenique en Histoire des Sciences. Etudes reunies et presentees par Efthymios Nicolaidis, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, 60 (1) (2010)

  18. E. Nicolaidis, Science and the Eastern Orthodox Church during the 17th-19th centuries, in A. Roca-Rossell (ed.), The Circulation of Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the ESHS, Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010, Barcelona: SCHCT-IEC, p. 17-25

  19. N. Golvers, E. Nicolaidis, Ferdinand Verbiest and Jesuit Science in 17th century China. An annotated edition and translation of the Constantinople manuscript (1676), Institute of Neohellenic Research, NHRF and Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, KUL, Athens-Leuven (2009) 384 p

  20. E. Nicolaidis, Notions de physique dans la philosophie naturelle chretienne au IVe siecle. Les hexaemerons des Peres de Cappadoce, in G. Vlahakis (ed.), Notions of Physics in Natural Philosophy, Proceedings of EPS Conference, Cambridge Scholars publishing, Newcastle (2008) 1-14

  21. E. Nicolaidis, E. Poulle, Les astronomes parisiens au XIVe siecle et l’astronomie alphonsine, in Histoire litteraire de la France, t. 43, fasc. 1 (Paris, Académie des inscriprions et belles lettres (2005), 2-54, Revue d’histoire des sciences, 61 (1) 225-227 (2008)

  22. C. Skordoulis, E. Nicolaidis, E. Koleza, D. Chassapis (eds), Issues of Science: History, Philosophy and Didactics], Nissos academic publishing, Athens (2008) 390 p (in Greek)

  23. G. Vlahakis, E. Nicolaidis, Z. Bosemberg, E. Vampoulis, H. Kragh, P. M. Schuster, E. Koleza, S. Sakkopoulos, E. Vitoratos, C. Skordoulis, H. Polydorou, Notions of physics in natural philosophy (2008)

  24. E. Nicolaidis, Flamsteed John, The correspondence of John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal (1703-1719), vol. 3, Compiled and edited by Eric G. Forbes, and (for Maria Forbes) by Lesley Murdin and Frances Willmoth, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, 2002, Revue d`Histoire des Sciences, 59 (1) 156-157 (2006)

  25. E. Ihsanoglu, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Communications du Symposium, La diffusion de la science et de la technologie dans l’Empire Ottoman et les Etats nationaux, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, 55 (2) (2005)

  26. C. Skordoulis, E. Nicolaidis (eds), History, philosophy and teaching of science, Proceedings of 3rd Panhellenic Conference, Ellinika Grammata, Athens (2005) 294 p (in Greek)

  27. G. Vlahakis, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Byzantium Venice Modern Hellenism, A travel in the world of Modern Greek scientific thought, INR/NHRF, Athens (2004) 320 p (in Greek)

  28. E. Ihsanoglu K. Chatzis, E. Nicolaidis (eds), Multicultural science in the Ottoman Empire, Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium (2003) 248 p

  29. K. Chatzis, E. Nicolaïdis (eds), Science, technology and the 19th century State: the role of the army, NHRF-LATTS/CNRS, Athens (2003) 170 p

  30. M. Blay, E. Nicolaïdis, L’Europe des sciences: constitution d’un espace scientifique, ed. Seuil, Paris (2001) 440 p; Chinese translation: Gao Yu, series Progress, Course of Western Civilization, China’s People, University Press, Beijing (2007)

  31. E. Nicolaidis, K. Chatzis (eds.), Science, Technology and the 19th century State, Institute for Neohellenic Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (2000) 149 p

  32. E. Nicolaidis, C. Mendoza, J. Vandersmissen (eds), The Spread of the Scientific Revolution in the European Periphery, Latin America and East Asia, Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science, Vol. V, ed. Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium (1999) 194 p

  33. E. Nicolaïdis, Voyages et voyageurs, in La science classique, editeurs Michel Blay Robert Halleux, Flammarion, Paris (1998) 165-177

  34. E. Nicolaidis, The Spread of the Scientific Revolution in the European Periphery, Latin America and East Asia: Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science (Liege, 20-26 July 1997) Vol. V

  35. E. Nicolaidis, Chrysanthos Notaras and the lost astronomical texts of F. Verbiest, Athens (1997) 291-301 (in Greek)

  36. E. Nicolaïdis, Ideology and science in Soviet astronomy, Physis (34) (1997) 659-674

  37. E. Nicolaidis, Au carrefour des civilisations, les sciences à Byzance, Europe (volume “Byzance”) 822, octobre (1997) 121-135

  38. E. Nicolaïdis, Entre la France et le romantisme allemand, les sciences à la naissance de l' Etat grec (1827-1832), Les enfants du siècle, sciences et savants à l ´epoque du romantisme, tome I, Sciences et Techniques en Persrective (vol. 35), Universite de Nantes (1996) 77-85

  39. E. Nicolaïdis, The Patriarcal missions in Moscow during the 17th century, Religion, Politicsand Science (1996) 75-80 (in Greek)

  40. E. Nicolaïdis, Les Grecs en Russie et les Russes en Chine, le contexte de la copie par Chrysanthos des livres astronomiques perdus de F. Verbiest, Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (133) 271-308 (1995)

  41. E. Nicolaïdis, Entre l’Orient et l’Occident, les sciences des humanistes byzantins, Alliage (24-25) 82-88 (1995)

  42. E. Nicolaïdis, Quelques notes au sujet des manuscrits byzantins sur les tables astronomiques persanes, The saurismata (25) (1995) (in Greek)

  43. K. Gavroglu, J. Christianides, E. Nicolaidis (eds.) Trends in the historiography of Science, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 151, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (1994) 451 p

  44. E. Nicolaïdis, D. Dialetis, Issues in the Historiography of Post-Byzantine Science, Trends in the Historiography of Science, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science (51) 121-129 (1994)

  45. E. Nicolaïdis, Orthodoxy, Religious Humanism and Enlightenment, the sciences in the Greek world of the 18th century, Neusisv (1) 99-120 (1994) (in Greek)

  46. E. Nicolaïdis, Astronomiya i politika v Rossii v period rannego stalinizma, Metafizika I ideologiya v istorii estestvoznaniya, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (1994) 153-159 (in Russian)

  47. E. Nicolaïdis, Ancient and Medieval Astronomy and Cosmology, Zaragoza Symposium Report, Physis (31) 304-308 (1994)

  48. E. Nicolaïdis, The revival of Ancient Greek Mathematics in 18th century Greece, Ellinika Mathematica, Athens, Trochalia (1993) 131-151 (in Greek)

  49. E. Nicolaïdis, The hellenistic tradition in the cosmology of the Greek Fathers of the Church, XIXth International Congress of History of Science, Zaragoza (1993)

  50. E. Nicolaïdis, La tentative de renaissance des mathematiques anciennes dans le monde grec du XVIIIe siecle, Etudes Balkaniques (2) 61-72 (1993)

  51. E. Nicolaïdis (ed), The Mathematical sciences during the Ottoman rule, Greek Society for the History of Science and Technology, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (1992) 223 p (in Greek)

  52. E. Nicolaïdis, D. Dialetis, L' influence des Lumières sur la formation scientifique grecque, Revue d'Histoire des Sciences, v. XLV (3-4) 491-499 (1992)

  53. E. Nicolaïdis, D. Dialetis, The French Revolution and the exact sciences in Greece, Istoria Mathematica, E.E.I.E.T., Salonika (1992) (in Greek)

  54. E. Nicolaïdis, Western Rationality and Byzantine Tradition in Science, Historical types of Rationality, Proceedings of the First Greek-Soviet Symposium on Science and Society, Athens, National Technical University (1992) 239-248

  55. E. Nicolaïdis, The teaching of Ptolemy during the period of the Ottoman rule, Athens (1992) 113-120 (in Greek)

  56. E. Nicolaïdis, The cosmology of the Greek Fathers of the Church –Saint Basil and Gregory of Nyssa, Byzantiaka (11) 203-230 (1991) (in Greek)

  57. E. Nicolaidis, T. Behrakis, Statistical analysis of lexical data: the prologues of the books of science of Neohellenic Enlightenment, National Centre for Sociology Studies, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (1990) 272 p (in Greek)

  58. Th. Behrakis, E. Nicolaïdis, La typologie des prologues des livres grecs des sciences edites pendant le XVIII eme siecle, Humanisme et esprit des Lumières, Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des Donnees, vol. XV (1) 7-20 (1990)

  59. E. Nicolaïdis, Astronomy and politics in Russia in the early Stalinist period, Journal for the history of astronomy (XXI) 345-351 (1990)

  60. E. Nicolaïdis, Byzantium and West at the 18th century, the conflict at the field of science, E.E.I.E.T. (43) 1-27 (1990) (in Greek)

  61. E. Nicolaïdis, Astronomy and political order in USSR during the years 1928-1932, XVIIIth International Congress of History of Science, Hambourg-Munich (1989)

  62. E. Nicolaïdis, Aspects of the cosmological conception of Chrysanthos Notaras, Istoria Mathematica (31) Salonica (1989) p. 1-14 (in Greek)

  63. E. Nicolaïdis, D. Dialetis, E. Athanasiadis, Exact sciences and Enlightenment in the Greek world during the 18th century, Ta historika (8) 123-136 (1988) (in Greek)

  64. E. Nicolaidis, Les livres qui ont introduit les sciences dans le monde grec au siecle des Lumieres, Revue d'Histoire des Sciences, 15(3-4) (1987) 367-376

  65. E. Nicolaidis, D. Dialetis, E. Athanasiadis, A Typology of the books of science of the pre-revolutionary century (1700 – 1821), (8) 7-38 (1986) (in Greek)

  66. E. Nicolaidis, Contribution for Greece and USSR to the volume: The Greenwich List of Observatories: A world list of astronomical observatories, instruments and clocks, 1670-1850, Science History Publications (1986)

  67. E. Nicolaïdis, The selection of knowledge, books of science of the Neohellenic Enlightenment, Ta historika (4) 423-430 (1985) (in Greek)

  68. E. Nicolaïdis, State and Science, the case of astronomy in USSR until the death of Stalin, O Polytis (69-70) 55-63 (1985) (in Greek)

  69. E. Athanasiades, D. Dialetis, E. Nicolaïdis, A statistical approach of the content of the books of science of the period of the Enlightenment, Larisa (1985) p. 47-56 (in Greek)

  70. E. Nicolaïdis, The reception of European science in Greece during the Enlightenment, Larisa (1985) p. 40-45 (in Greek)

  71. K. Alyssandrakis, P. Lantos, E. Nicolaidis, Coronal structures observed at metric wavelength with the Nancay Radioheliograph, Solar Physics (97) 267-282 (1985)

  72. E. Nicolaidis, Le developement de l'astronomie en U.R.S.S., 1917–1935, Editions de l' Observatoire de Paris, Paris, (1984) 251 p

  73. K. Alyssandrakis, P. Lantos, E. Nicolaidis, Coronal structures observed at metric wavelength with the Nancay Radioheliograph, Proceedings of the 4th European meeting of Solar Physics, ESA SP 220 (1984)

  74. E. Nicolaidis, Le developpement de l'astronomie en U.R.S.S., Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the History of Science, Bucarest (1981) p. 43

  75. E. Kontizas, M. Kontizas, E. Nicolaïdis, Description and performance of the photographic camera of the 1.2 m Kryonerion telescope, Memoires of the National Observatory of Athens, serie I, no 19, p. 1-9 (1981)

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List of Publications

Created: 24 February 2017
Updated: 29 November 2023
